Game Genie Cheats Heath

Game genie codes:

  • 2E31-DF5A + ED31-DF8A + 6531-DFEA - 255 health
  • 2135-D78A + 0D35-D7EA + 6536-DD7A - Lots of magirocks

Snes9X codes:

  • 7E065D FF - 255 health
  • 7E07ED 64 - Lot's of MagicRock

Earthbound Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. Game Genie Cheat Device for DS The Game Genie for the DS unlocks the hidden potential of all of your Nintendo DS games. Special codes that give you the ability to unlock everything, give you unlimited lives, infinite health, limitless money, infinite ammo, and so much more, the Game Genie is the ultimate source for enhanced gaming!

Pro Action Replay codes:

  • 7E065DFF - Your strength is a constant 255 and cannot be changed by STR potions or level changes.
  • 7E0662FF - Total invincibility, your HP is a constant multiple of 255
  • 0FE065DF - Total invincibility. Your HP is a constant multiple of 255.
  • 7E0691FF - Enter this code and your levels will increase at an alarmingly fast rate. It will freeze the game unless you're in a dungeon or anyplace with enemies.
  • 7E0697FF - Enter this code and you'll get unlimited money.

Note: for the unlimited money code, you can buy from shops at any time, but in some situations (staying at inns etc), it says that you are broke. In which case, you should turn the AR off, go and kill a bad guy and get some more money. Then it should work.

All Game Genie Codes

7E065FFF + 7E0660FF + 7E0663FF + 7E0666FF - When these 4 codes are used together with the 5 of the codes above, you'll have 535 Strength, 535 Defense, and 255 Luck with absolutely no strings attached. Don't be scared if the Strength value equals '35'. It's actually 535, but there is only enough room for two digits.


The only thing these codes can't change is your current level/maximum HP. To quickly get the maximum of 999 HP, enter all of these codes (EXCEPT FOR 7E0691FF) at the Name Registry screen. You'll start with amazing statistics, but your HP display will read '255/28.' The current HP value of 255 signifies your invincibility, but you only have 28 HP at Level 1. Go to Tower 1 and as soon as you physically enter the tower, input the code 7E0691FF. You'll instantly be promoted to Level 15. Fight monsters until you've achieved the maximum experience level of 50. This is rather easy, not only because you're invincible, but because every monster you defeat nets you about 10,000 experience points. When you get to Level 50, your maximum HP will reach 999 no matter what.

Game Genie Cheat Codes Snes

Here's what the current HP value display means:

  • If your maximum HP level is between 28 and 256, your current HP is always 255.
  • If your maximum HP level is between 257 and 512, your current HP is always 511.
  • If your maximum HP level is between 513 and 768, your current HP is always 767.
  • If your maximum HP level is between 769 and 999, your current HP is always 23.

Game Genie Cheats Nes

(What the bloody hell? 23?!!?) The value is actually equal to 1023, but the display is 23 because only three digits can be displayed at one time, and the initial zero digit doesn't show.

Game Genie Cheats Health And Shield

If you entered all 9 codes, you won't have to worry about anything in the 32-megabit world of Terranigma. No more cowering in fear over the infamous battle with Bloody Mary. No more ducking whenever you see Dignal throw its mate! No more running for cover behind the nearest tree when you see a Dungun getting ready to explode! No more trepidation when treading through flocks of wild Chonchons, 'cause their glassine dust can't faze you anymore!

Dragon Warrior Game Genie Cheats

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