Game Of Thrones Cheat Engine Table
Overall Game of Thrones: Conquest is quite fun if you enjoy mobile strategy games like Guns of Glory and are a fan of the Game of Thrones universe. However, the game does have one major drawback according to many players. That drawback is the fact that the game quite often feels a bit pay to win. /picture-cross-game-cheats.html. This is the latest Game of Thrones Conquest Game Hack for iPhone, iPad, Tablets and any SmartPhones.Game of Thrones Conquest Game Hack and Cheats tool is 100% working and updated! This is programmed and designed for iOS, Windows, and Android devices.
More M&B2: Bannerlord Guides:
- How to Make Gold (Fast Method).
- First Mission: Investigate Neretzes's Folly.
- How to Win Tablut Gambling Every Time.
- Basic Manual Directional Blocking Guide.
- Silk Road / Trading and Goods Guide.
- Companion Location List.
- How to Form a Kingdom.
- Smithing System Guide.
- Main Questline Guide.
- Early Money Making.
- Trading Tips.
All Cheat List and How to Cheat
Enabling Cheats
- Go to DocumentsMount and Blade II BannerlordConfigs.
- Open “engine_config.txt”.
- Look for “cheat_mode = 0” and change the value to “1”.
Cheat List
- CTRL+H - Completely heals you.
- CTRL+SHIFT+H - Completely heals your horse.
- CTRL+F3 - Damage yourself.
- CTRL+ALT+F4 - Knock unconscious all enemy troops.
- CTRL+SHIFT+F6 - Knocks out all of your troops.
- CTRL+F6 - Knocks out one of your troops.
- CTRL+F4 - Knocks unconcious an enemy after a number of presses.
- CTRL+LEFT CLICK - On the World Map, teleports your party to where you click.
Money and Item Cheats
With cheats enabled, simply opening your inventory will display a list of every item in the game on the left side of the screen. Just click the arrow next to any item you want!
Remember! You can add expensive items and sell them to vendors. Profit..
If you want to give yourself 10,000 gold, you'd enter:
- campaign.add_gold_to_hero 10000
Console Commands / Codes
- Add gold: campaign.add_gold_to_hero #
- Level up: campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero
- Add influence: campaign.add_influence #
- Add renown: campaign.add_renown_to_clan #
- Add focus points: campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero #
- List all Troop IDs: campaign.give_troops help
- Add troops to your party: campaign.give_troops [TroopID] #
- List active quests: campaign.list_active_quests
- Complete current quest: campaign.complete_active_quest
- Cancel active quest: campaign.cancel_active_quest
- Conceive child (if unmarried, will wed you to someone): campaign.conceive_child
Below are the full console commands list discovered by modders.
- Log.Campaign.Hide_Log
- Log.Campaign.Show_Log
- Log.Campaign.Show_Unfiltered_Logs
- Log.Campaign.Start_Capturing
- Log.Campaign.Stop_Capturing
- Mission_Highlights.Addhighlight
- Mission_Highlights.Initialize
- Mission_Highlights.Opengroup
- Mission_Highlights.Opensummary
- Mission_Highlights.Removehighlight
- Mission_Highlights.Savevideo
- Agent.Change_Action_Set
- Agent.Delete_Agent
- Agent.Equip_Clear
- Agent.Fade_In
- Agent.Fade_Out
- Agent.Goto
- Agent.Main_Agent_Play_Action_At_Channel
- Agent.Main_Mount_Play_Action_At_Channel
- Ai.Debug_Enable_Cs
- Ai.Driven_Property
- Ai.Formation_Debug
- Ai.Formation_Speed_Adjustment_Enabled
- Ai.Help_Show_Chars
- Ai.Help_Show_Items
- Ai.Help_Spawn
- Ai.Set_Health
- Ai.Set_Health_Help
- Ai.Show_Chars
- Ai.Show_Items
- Ai.Spawn
- Atmosphere.Current
- Atmosphere.List
- Atmosphere.Reset
- Atmosphere.Set_By_Index
- Atmosphere.Set_By_Name
- Campaign.Activate_All_Policies_For_Player_Kingdom
- Campaign.Add_Attribute_Points_To_Hero
- Campaign.Add_Building_Level
- Campaign.Add_Caravan_To_Hero
- Campaign.Add_Companion
- Campaign.Add_Focus_Points_To_Hero
- Campaign.Add_Gold_To_All_Heroes
- Campaign.Add_Gold_To_Hero
- Campaign.Add_Horse
- Campaign.Add_Influence
- Campaign.Add_Morale_To_Party
- Campaign.Add_Prisoner
- Campaign.Add_Progress_To_Current_Building
- Campaign.Add_Random_Hero_To_Party
- Campaign.Add_Random_Prisoner_Hero
- Campaign.Add_Renown_To_Clan
- Campaign.Add_Sample_Children_To_Main_Character
- Campaign.Add_Skill_Xp_To_Hero
- Campaign.Adopt_Hero
- Campaign.Ai_Attack_Party
- Campaign.Ai_Defend_Settlement
- Campaign.Ai_Goto_Settlement
- Campaign.Ai_Raid_Village
- Campaign.Ai_Siege_Settlement
- Campaign.Boost_Cohesion_Of_All_Armies
- Campaign.Boost_Cohesion_Of_Army
- Campaign.Burn_Village
- Campaign.Calculate_Distance_From_Main_Party
- Campaign.Call_Faction_Heroes_To_Settlement
- Campaign.Cancel_Active_Quest
- Campaign.Change_Clan_Leader
- Campaign.Change_Current_Building
- Campaign.Change_Faction_Relation
- Campaign.Change_Hero_Relation
- Campaign.Change_Main_Hero_Age
- Campaign.Check_Camp_Locations
- Campaign.Check_Village_Bandit
- Campaign.Clear_Settlement_Defense
- Campaign.Complete_Active_Quest
- Campaign.Conceive_Child
- Campaign.Control_Party_Ai_By_Cheats
- Campaign.Create_Faction_Army
- Campaign.Create_Perk_Main_Hero
- Campaign.Create_Player_Kingdom
- Campaign.Declare_Peace
- Campaign.Declare_War
- Campaign.Destroy_Clan
- Campaign.Destroy_Kindgom
- Campaign.Destroy_Party
- Campaign.Difficulty
- Campaign.Election_Chooser_Cheat
- Campaign.Election_Supporter_Cheat
- Campaign.Enable_Party_Count
- Campaign.Expel_Clan_From_Kindgom
- Campaign.Fill_Party
- Campaign.Fill_Party_Alt_Solution_Test
- Campaign.Fill_Party_Tableau_Test
- Campaign.Find_Alley_Owners_With_More_Than_One_Alley
- Campaign.Find_Hero
- Campaign.Find_Issue
- Campaign.Find_Mobile_Party
- Campaign.Find_Settlement
- Campaign.Free_Player_Through_Barter
- Campaign.Get_Character_Id_From_Character_Code
- Campaign.Get_Conversations_Tags
- Campaign.Get_Criminal_Ratings
- Campaign.Get_Game_Progress
- Campaign.Get_Heroes_At_Age
- Campaign.Get_Infested_Hideout
- Campaign.Get_Invalid_Family_Members
- Campaign.Get_Lords_Inside_Settlement
- Campaign.Get_Main_Party_Position
- Campaign.Get_Settlement_Common_Area_States
- Campaign.Get_Stance_Between_Factions
- Campaign.Give_All_Crafting_Materials_To_Main_Party
- Campaign.Give_Item_To_Main_Party
- Campaign.Give_Money_To_Main_Party
- Campaign.Give_Settlement_To_Player
- Campaign.Give_Troops
- Campaign.Give_Troops_Xp
- Campaign.Give_Workshop_To_Player
- Campaign.Give_Xp_To_Main_Party
- Campaign.Go_To_Settlement
- Campaign.Grow_Player_Babies_To_Child
- Campaign.Grow_Player_Children_To_Teen
- Campaign.Grow_Player_Teen_To_Adult
- Campaign.Heal_Main_Party
- Campaign.Hide_Hideouts
- Campaign.Is_Hero_Suitable_For_Marriage_With_Player
- Campaign.Join_Kingdom
- Campaign.Kill_Capturer_Party
- Campaign.Kill_Hero
- Campaign.Lead_Your_Faction
- Campaign.Leave_Faction
- Campaign.Leave_Faction_By_Rebellion
- Campaign.List_Active_Quests
- Campaign.List_All
- Campaign.List_Children_Heroes_Suitable_For_Marriage
- Campaign.List_Heroes_Suitable_For_Marriage
- Campaign.List_Heroes_Without_Party
- Campaign.List_Home_Settlement_Of_Player
- Campaign.List_Player_Traits
- Campaign.List_Tournaments
- Campaign.List_Trade_Rumors
- Campaign.Make_Hero_Fugitive
- Campaign.Make_Hero_Wounded
- Campaign.Make_Main_Hero_Ill
- Campaign.Make_Peace_With_Every_Faction
- Campaign.Marry_Player_With_Hero
- Campaign.Move_Camera_Between_Fights
- Campaign.Move_Camera_Between_Fights_Automatically
- Campaign.Move_Time_Forward
- Campaign.Multiply_Campaign_Speed
- Campaign.Normalize_Hideouts
- Campaign.Open_Town_Mission_Spawn_At_Workshop
- Campaign.Print_All_Issues
- Campaign.Print_Issue_Statistics
- Campaign.Print_Issues
- Campaign.Print_Party_Count_Statistics
- Campaign.Print_Party_Prisoners
- Campaign.Print_Player_Progress
- Campaign.Print_Projects_In_Settlement
- Campaign.Print_Settlement_Goods
- Campaign.Print_Workshop_Info
- Campaign.Print_Workshops_In_Settlement
- Campaign.Rebellion_Enabled
- Campaign.Refresh_Icon
- Campaign.Refresh_Parties
- Campaign.Remove_Tracked_Object
- Campaign.Reset_Player_Skills_Level_And_Perks
- Campaign.Reset_Tracker
- Campaign.Set_All_Skills_Main_Hero
- Campaign.Set_Army_Notifications
- Campaign.Set_Banner_Editor_Is_Enabled
- Campaign.Set_Crafting_Is_Enabled
- Campaign.Set_Criminal_Rating
- Campaign.Set_Desertion_Enabled
- Campaign.Set_Face_Gen_Is_Enabled
- Campaign.Set_Hero_Age
- Campaign.Set_Intensity
- Campaign.Set_Kingdom_Notifications
- Campaign.Set_Main_Hero_Age
- Campaign.Set_Main_Hero_Stats_To_Mid_Game
- Campaign.Set_Main_Party_Attackable
- Campaign.Set_Midgame_Archetype
- Campaign.Set_Mood
- Campaign.Set_Parties_Visible
- Campaign.Set_Player_Reputation_Trait
- Campaign.Set_Player_Siege_As_Sally_Out
- Campaign.Set_Quest_Debug_Mode
- Campaign.Set_Skill_Companion
- Campaign.Set_Skill_Main_Hero
- Campaign.Set_Skills_Of_Hero
- Campaign.Set_Town_Test_Scene
- Campaign.Set_Village_Test_Scene
- Campaign.Show_Character_Feats
- Campaign.Show_Current_Location_Heroes
- Campaign.Show_Direction_Of_Player_Around_Settlement
- Campaign.Show_Direction_Of_Settlement_Around_Main_Party
- Campaign.Show_Hideouts
- Campaign.Show_Party_Morale_Detail
- Campaign.Show_Party_Size_Limit_Detail
- Campaign.Show_Possible_Battle_Scenes
- Campaign.Show_Prisoners
- Campaign.Start_Barter_With_Hero
- Campaign.Start_Barter_With_Lucon
- Campaign.Start_Conversation
- Campaign.Start_Election_To_Change_Policy
- Campaign.Start_Election_To_Declare_War
- Campaign.Start_Election_To_Make_Peace
- Campaign.Start_King_Selection_Decision
- Campaign.Start_Player_Vs_World_Truce
- Campaign.Start_Player_Vs_World_War
- Campaign.Start_Rebellion_In_Settlement
- Campaign.Start_Test_Conversation_Mission
- Campaign.Start_Tournament
- Campaign.Start_World_War
- Campaign.Take_Hero_Prisoner
- Campaign.Teleport_Hero_To_Settlement
- Campaign.Throw_Prisoner_To_Settlement
- Campaign.Toggle_Add_Castles_To_Villages_Cheat
- Campaign.Track_Object
- Campaign.Use_Test_Scenes
- Chatlog.Can_Focus_While_In_Mission
- Chatlog.Clear
- Close
- Cloth.Reset_Meshes
- Config.Antialiasing_Technique
- Config.Brightness
- Config.Brightness_Calibrated
- Config.Brightness_Max
- Config.Brightness_Min
- Config.Character_Detail
- Config.Cheat_Mode
- Config.Control_Mouse_Movement_Accumulation_Decay_Speed
- Config.Control_Mouse_Movement_Max_Accumulation
- Config.Control_Mouse_Movement_Y_Scale
- Config.Decal_Quality
- Config.Disable_Sound
- Config.Display_Height
- Config.Display_Mode
- Config.Display_Referesh_Rate
- Config.Display_Width
- Config.Dynamic_Resolution_Fps_Target
- Config.Enable_Cloth_Simulation
- Config.Enable_Dynamic_Resolution_Scale
- Config.Enable_Flora_Sway
- Config.Environment_Detail
- Config.First_Time
- Config.Foliage_Quality
- Config.Force_Vsync
- Config.Gamma
- Config.Graphics_Adapter
- Config.Invert_Mouse
- Config.Lighting_Quality
- Config.Master_Volume
- Config.Max_Framerate
- Config.Max_Simultaneous_Sound_Event_Count
- Config.Mouse_Sensitivity_Coefficient
- Config.Music_Volume
- Config.Number_Of_Ragdolls
- Config.Particle_Detail
- Config.Particle_Quality
- Config.Postfx_Bloom
- Config.Postfx_Chromatic_Aberration
- Config.Postfx_Dof
- Config.Postfx_Grain
- Config.Postfx_Hexagon_Vignette
- Config.Postfx_Lens_Flares
- Config.Postfx_Motion_Blur
- Config.Postfx_Ssr
- Config.Postfx_Sssss
- Config.Postfx_Streaks
- Config.Postfx_Sunshafts
- Config.Postfx_Vignette
- Config.Resolution_Scale
- Config.Safely_Exited
- Config.Save_Window_Positions
- Config.Selected_Monitor
- Config.Shader_Quality
- Config.Shadowmap_Filtering
- Config.Shadowmap_Resolution
- Config.Shadowmap_Type
- Config.Sharpen_Amount
- Config.Show_Framerate
- Config.Sound_Device
- Config.Sound_Output
- Config.Sound_Volume
- Config.Terrain_Quality
- Config.Tesselation
- Config.Texture_Budget
- Config.Texture_Filtering
- Config.Texture_Quality
- Config.Water_Quality
- Config.Weapon_Trail_Amount
- Console.Clear
- Crafting.Disable_Contour
- Crafting.Dismantle_All
- Crafting.Give_Random_Weapons
- Crafting.List_Mats
- Crafting.Unlock_All_Parts
- Debug.Clear_Permanent_Debug_Render_Meshes
- Debug.Mission_Spawnpoint_Count_And_Mesh_Checker_Ui
- Debug.Print_Materials_With_Name
- Debug.Print_Meshes_With_Name
- Debug.Print_Meta_Meshes_Without_Lods
- Debug.Print_Textures_With_Name
- Debug.Reset_Ignored_Asserts
- Eventmanager.Print_Registered_Events_And_Types
- Facegen.Dress_Player
- Facegen.Referesh_Character_As_Kid
- Facegen.Show_Debug
- Facegen.Undress_Player
- Game.Reload_Animations
- Game.Reload_Managed_Core_Params
- Game.Reload_Native_Params
- Game.Siege_Test
- Gfx.Set_Quality
- Global.Illumination
- Granite.Clear_Cache
- Granite.Generate_Xml
- Granite.Pause
- Help
- Items.Export_Nav_Mesh_Face_Marks
- Items.Find_And_Clear_Unused_Resources
- Items.Find_Meshes_Without_Lods
- Items.Print_All_Items_With_Generated_Lod
- Items.Print_All_Items_Without_Generated_Lod
- Items.Print_All_Items_Without_Lod
- Items.Print_Faulty_Materials
- Items.Take_Ss_From_Top
- Localization.Check_For_Erros
- Memory.Stats
- Mission.Adddebugteleporter
- Mission.Addobjectdestroyer
- Mission.Begin_Camera_Fade_In
- Mission.Begin_Camera_Fade_Out
- Mission.Begin_Camera_Fade_Out_And_In
- Mission.Disable_Fall_Avoid
- Mission.Draw_Formation_Arrangement_Debug_Lines
- Mission.Draw_Formation_Order_Debug_Spheres
- Mission.Draw_Point_Of_Interest_Directions
- Mission.Draw_Siege_Origin_Positions
- Mission.Enable_Debug_Window
- Mission.Enable_Fall_Damage_Warnings
- Mission.Equipment_Debug
- Mission.Fix_Camera_Toggle
- Mission.Flee_Enemies
- Mission.Killagent
- Mission.List_Agent_Ids
- Mission.Retreat_Side
- Mission.Set_Battering_Ram_Speed
- Mission.Set_Camera_Position
- Mission.Set_Deployment_Visualization_Selector
- Mission.Set_Facial_Anim_To_Agent
- Mission.Set_Shift_Camera_Speed
- Mission.Set_Siege_Tower_Speed
- Mission.Toggledisabledying
- Mission_Cpp.Fast_Forward_Mission
- Mission_Cpp.Kill_Agent
- Mission_Cpp.Kill_All_Agents_Excluding_This
- Mp_Client.List_Agent_Infos
- Mp_Host.Help
- Mp_Host.Kick_Player
- Profiler.Generate_Performance_Report
- Profiler.Start_Task_Profilinf
- Replay.Invisible_Agents
- Replay.Read_Current_Replay
- Replay.Seek_Frame
- Replay.Tick_Replay
- Replay.Write_Current_Replay
- Resource.Add_Default_Levels_To_Prefab_File
- Resource.Add_New_Water_Prefab
- Resource.Clear_Gpu_Morph_Textures
- Resource.Export_Meta_Mesh_As_Obj
- Resource.Save_Prefab_Files
- Resource.Set_Visibility_Distance_To_Meshes_Without_Lods
- Resource.Shader.Clear_Shader_Cache
- Resource.Shader.Compile_Shader_Combinations
- Resource.Shader.Compile_Terrain_Shaders
- Resource.Shader.Compile_Terrain_Shaders_Of_Scene
- Resource.Shader.Create_Compressed_Shader_Cache
- Resource.Shader.Generate_Shaders
- Resource.Shader.Recompile_Single_Shader
- Resource.Shader.Save_Shader_Combinations
- Resource.Shader.Save_Shader_Identifiers
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Always_Check_Modifications
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Check_Colormap_Flags
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Detailed_Sound_Log
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Async_Physics
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Async_Predraw
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Async_Render_Jobs
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Camera_Precision_Offset
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Data_Parallelization
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Dynamic_Instancing
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Gui_Messages
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Oros
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Shadow_Occlusion_Pass
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Disable_Tableau_Cache
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Do_Sound_One_Shot_Events
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Enable_Deterministic_Mode
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Enable_Occluder_Depth_Prepass
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.High_Quality_Screenshot_Height
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.High_Quality_Screenshot_Width
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Limited_Framerate
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Log_Failed_Weapon_Collision_Sound_Events
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Log_Level
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Prt_Edit_Data_Folder
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Record_Missions
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Screenshot_Format
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Screenshot_Mod
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Show_Scene_Terrain_Layer_Errors
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Supports_Postfx_Chromatic_Aberration
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Supports_Postfx_Hexagon_Vignette
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Supports_Postfx_Lens_Flares
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Supports_Postfx_Streaks
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Supports_Postfx_Vignette
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Use_Depth_Flipping
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Use_Physics_Engine
- Rgl_Module_Ini_Options.Use_Texture_Tags
- Show_Memory
- Siege_Test.Set_Level
- Siege_Test.Set_Scene
- Siege_Test.Set_Wallhp
- Sound.Enable_Wav_Output
- Sound.Reload_Sounds
- Spitems.Reload.Xml
- Storymode.Activate_Conspiracy_Quest
- Storymode.Advance_To_Kingdom_Quests
- Storymode.Complete_Banner_Investigation
- Storymode.Destroy_All_Anti_Imperial_Kingdoms_Except_Player_Kingdom
- Storymode.Reinforfce_Kingdom
- Storymode.Skip_Character_Creation
- Storymode.Skip_First_Phase
- Storymode.Skip_Intro
- Storymode.Skip_Tutorial_Quests
- Storymode.Weaken_Kingdom
- Test_Mission.Change_Faction_Armor_Color
- Ui.Test_Random_Admin_Message
- Ui.Toggle_Ui
Game Of Thrones Cheat Engine Tabletop
Recommended for You:- All Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Guides!
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Game Of Thrones Cheat Engine Tables
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
- 'Tis but a scratch! - Chapter 9: suffer all the physical abuse during the torture sequence.
- Am I not merciful? - Chapter 8: save Orys from the City Watch.
- As high as honor: Finish chapter 12.
- Bloodhound - Chapter 7: find all the corrupt brothers of the Night's Watch.
- Clever dog: Gain all the skills linked to the dog with Mors.
- Collector: Seize the three objects of value from the Collector with Alester.
- Come try me: Finish chapter 11.
- Dark wings, dark words: Finish chapter 3.
- Dead men sing no songs: Finish chapter 6.
- Desecration - Chapter 8: find the key in Alester's father's tomb.
- Devout follower: Find all the statues of the Seven.
- Disciplinarian - Chapter 1: confront the four recruits during the training session with Mors.
- End of the line - Chapter 6: don't lose pursuit of the bastard.
- Endless watch: Send 10 recruits to the Wall with Mors.
- Family is hope..: Finish chapter 2.
- Family, duty, honor: Finish chapter 8.
- Fetch!: Use Mors' dog's sense of smell to find 5 secret objects.
- Fire and blood: Finish chapter 10.
- Golden touch: Acquire 1 golden dragon.
- Great teamwork: Finish the game without a single ally (except Mors and Alester) being KO'd.
- Growing strong: Finish chapter 13.
- Hear me roar: Finish chapter 4.
- Here we stand: Finish chapter 7.
- Know your place - Chapter 2: protect the nobility with Alester.
- Lesser of two evils - Chapter 14: come to the aid of the Reapers.
- Man of the people - Chapter 2: protect the people with Alester.
- Man's best friend: Kill 10 enemies with Mors' dog in skinchanger mode.
- Master of light and flame: Gain all the skills linked to R'hllor's fire with Alester.
- Master-at-arms: Learn all skills within a character's stance tree.
- Merciless: Mete out 5 deathblows.
- My darkest hour - Chapter 15: execute the judgement passed down on the Westfords.
- Once more unto the breach - Chapter 7: attack the camp without killing the sentries at the start.
- Pimp: Convince Bethany to return to Chataya's brothel with Alester.
- Proud to be faithful: Finish chapter 5.
- Quiet as a shadow - Chapter 13: reach Jeyne's room without ever being seen.
- R'hllor sees all: Find 10 secrets with the vision of R'hllor.
- Red priest of R'hllor: Finish Alester's story.
- Swift and deadly - Chapter 11: bring an end to the trial by combat in under 2 minutes.
- Sworn brother: Finish Mors' Story.
- The butcher comes to dinner - Chapter 9: kill 6 of Lord Harlton's soldiers during the fight at dinner.
- The Greatest: Emerge triumphant in the final arena combat.
- The night is dark..: Finish chapter 15.
- The true face of the Spider: Lose the final battle.
- Thorough: Complete all the secondary objectives of the story.
- True warrior: Kill 400 enemies.
- Unbowed, unbent, unbroken: Finish chapter 9.
- Unrivaled strategist - Chapter 12: take back Riverspring with a total victory.
- Valar morghulis: Finish chapter 14.
- Warlord: Reach the maximum level.
- Winter is coming: Finish chapter 1.