Gun Video Game Ps2 Cheats
To get the Cannon Nock gun, get 100% completion of the game. You will also get Reed's invincible horse GameCube, PC, PS2, Xbox 360 Submitted by Rodney Leguit.69 Ferguson Rifle. 7 Non-Gun Video Game Problems (That Aren't Fake) Video games have once again been in the news, thanks to a toxic combination of back to back mass shootings and the Trump Administration. Lobbyist groups, like the NRA, hold too much power over our political process, so folks like Trump would rather do things like point fingers at video games. Summary: Set in the untamed West of the late-1800s, GUN is a free-roaming action-adventure game that takes players to a world without laws where greed, lust and murder are rampant. As Colton White, a vengeful gunslinger, players must straddle the line between good and evil as they showdown against Set in the untamed West of the late-1800s, GUN is a free-roaming action-adventure game that takes. Gun PS2 Gameplay Release Date: November 8, 2005 Platforms: GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox, Xbox 360. Gun is a Western-themed action-adventure video game developed by Neversoft and published by Activision for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and Xbox 360 (as a launch title) in 2005.The PlayStation Portable version was released a year later under the title Gun: Showdown, this version features new side-missions, a multiplayer mode, and other additions that were not available in. Cheats and Tips for Gun HomePlaystation 2Gun Last Updated: Dec 22nd 2010 A large collection of cheats that includes replaying Story missions with upgrades, infinite ammo and how to. #65,556 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games) #1,993 in PlayStation 2 Games, Consoles & Accessories: Pricing The strikethrough price is the List Price. Savings represents a discount off the List Price. Product Dimensions 7.4 x 5.35 x 0.63 inches; 4.96 Ounces Binding Video Game Rated Adults Only Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No Item Weight.
Successfully complete Story mode, then go back to the first area in the game (Blackfoot Territory). Locate the higher boulder that leads up to a ledge and a gap. While on a horse at the left side of that boulder, jump and use your spurs until you land on top of the boulder. Then, get onto the ledge and go across the next two areas. Stand between the two rocks in the water and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + X until the confirmation sound is played. Press Start to enter the options screen and a new option named 'Gun' will appear. Once selected, you can replay any main mission or side mission (from checkpoints if desired), view the intermission sequences, and toggle the help messages. Note: You will have your current weapons, items, and skills when a mission is replayed.
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Magruder's seven barrel Nock gun. Successfully complete Story mode and all side missions (100% completion) to unlock Reed's armored horse and Magruder's Cannon Nock gun. This horse cannot be killed and if ever lost, it will return to the mine. This horse also does not lose any health from sprinting.
.69 Ferguson RifleDefeat Hollister to unlock the .69 Ferguson Rifle.
Apache ShirtSuccessfully complete the Hunting missions to unlock the Apache Shirt.
Cavalry SwordDefeat Reed to unlock the Cavalry Sword.
Dual PeacemakersHarry potter and chamber of secrets pc game cheats. Defeat Hoodoo Brown to unlock the Dual Peacemakers.
Silver SpursSuccessfully complete the Pony Express missions to unlock the Silver Spurs.
Infinite healthGo to the Indian Hunter's hut, which you can find on your map. Then, go to the building to the left of the hut, with the stairs going up the side. Go up the first set of stairs, and continue going straight. You should see a spout-type object coming out of the side of the building. Jump onto that spout, and walk toward the wall of the building. If done correctly, you should go through the wall, and into the inside of the house. There is only a small ledge for you to drop onto inside, so move slowly. When inside, look to your left and you should see three whiskey bottles on the ground. You can pick these up as many times as desired and they will never go away.
Easy healthGo to Dodge City, then go to the lower part of the bridge. Follow the path on the other side to reach a beach cave. Look inside for a life power-up which will reappear over time after you leave the area. Note: The cave also contains ammunition and money.
Go to Hecht Ranch, then go to the shack next to the windmill. There you will find three whiskey bottles which will reappear over time after you leave the area.
Easy ammunitionTake a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine. Locate the abandoned house in the Badlands where the buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house on the outside. Face the chimney (looking west) and place the TNT barrel on the left side of the chimney. Blow up the TNT barrel to open a hole in the ground with ammunition for all weapons. The ammunition will reappear over time after you leave the area.
Easy moneyYou can earn more money on the bounty hunter side missions by capturing bounties alive. When you find a wanted poster that offers more money if you capture them alive and are having trouble doing so, use the following trick. Kill all gang members or bodyguards (if any). If the bounty is on a horse, kill the horse. Get close and melee attack. This will stun the fugitive and present an opportunity to grab them. Then, subdue the fugitive. This will award you more money for each bounty. If you accidentally release him, you can try to melee him and grab him again. However, if you do this too many times or if he has been shot, you may kill him and get less money.
Easy poker game winsWhen playing Texas Hold 'em inside the Alhambra, you can easily win with or without a good hand. Raise the bid to the maximum. This should make at least one to three players fold. You can then cheat to make your hand better, and if the cheat card is a worse card, just go back to your original hand. Afterwards, keep checking your hands until one of you wins. It should be you most of the time. Do not worry if you lose, as the tournaments are free.
End of poker cheatingWhen playing Texas Hold 'em after the tournaments in the Alhambra, you will no longer have the option of cheating.
Faster ridingHold Dash while repeatedly jumping your horse to travel about double the speed.
Desecrate Hoodoo's corpseAfter defeating Hoodoo, there will be a intermission sequence showing him dead standing up in a coffin. After the sequence, he will still be in west empire standing in the grave. You can shoot him with your double-barrel shotgun in some areas. You can shoot off his head, arm, and both of his legs, leaving his corpse floating in an up-right coffin.
Defeating HollisterSneak up on Hollister and shoot him once. Then, run off and get behind a rock on top of risen ground in the middle of the arena. When he is circling the rock you are behind, start circling as well. He will eventually stop and yell at you to come out. He should pace back and forth slowly while you hide behind the rock. When he stops and is not facing you, shoot him in the head. Perform this until the point that he becomes too smart to fall for it again. By then his health should be low enough so that you can run out and keep shooting while strafing. After you have gotten his health down all the way there will be a intermission sequence. Look at your compass at the bottom of the screen. He is the red dot. Find him and he will run at you. Run, but keep firing at him with your pistols and he will die.
Defeating MagruderHow to crack a video game cheat. In the first part of the battle, get your bow ready. Every time Magruder is either next to or on top of the holes in the ground with the blue/green gas coming out of the floor, shoot an arrow into it. When it blows up, it will take some health from Magruder. You must do this a few times. To better judge where Magruder is, look on your radar when you are standing by one of the holes on the floor with the blue/green gas. When you see a red arrow by you and it is near the hole in the floor, shoot the arrow. When it explodes, run. If you take some hits from Magruder, run for a flask to replenish your health. You will most likely run out of arrows, but can find more in the back by the big entranceway opposite of the platform and big pillars that you will need to destroy in the second part of the battle. Keep shooting the arrows at the gas in the floor until Magruder's health bar turns red. After that the second part of the battle will begin. To save a lot of your health during the first part, crouch and stay near the outer ring of rocks. If he stands directly in front of you, shoot about one or two arrows at his feet. This will cause him to lose health. If you got hit by his fire, run and find a flask. The second part of the battle is to collapse the cavern on Magruder. Save the game when you get to this part. Do not worry about replenishing your ammunition. Your sniper rifle, regular rifle, and six shooters will suffice. In order to keep one flask and your health to where you do not need to replenish, stay ducked behind the big rocks where you start. Magruder will throw TNT. Use Quick Draw mode and shoot the TNT. Then, pull out one of your rifles. Use the sights on them. The only way to get Magruder to throw TNT is to hit him in the head. However, it is recommended that you stay and shoot at him from the right hand side of the rocks. That gives you more cover than the left hand side. The trick requires some skill at Quick Draw. This is the only way to get past it this part of the battle. Try to hit all the TNT when he throws it. Try hitting the TNT that looks pudgy -- they provide a bigger boom. The small TNT sticks are good, as when they are hit they will spread out. You can blow the two pillars by Magruder's platform up with them. When he says you are blowing this mine apart, you are half way there. When Cole says there is no one left to help you, the battle is close to over. When he throws the three sticks of TNT and you miss and they land by you, run to the opposite side, and then go back to continue. You have two big rocks to blow up to collapse the cavern. The best way to do this is to hit the TNT when it is thrown when they are close to the rocks above Maruder. By doing this you will complete the battle faster. When the second big rock falls, the battle will be over and you will have completed the game.
It is not possible to kill Magruder by shooting him, as he is wearing armored plating. Instead, use the bow with exploding arrows. Get Magruder to chase you. As you are backing away from him, shoot an arrow at a geyser as he walks over it. The flammable gas coming from the geyser will explode and damage Magruder until he is almost dead. Then, when he is on the higher level, shoot him in the face with the rifle until he yells, then get into Quickdraw mode. Get ready to shoot the big package of dynamite when he throws it. After shooting a few sticks of dynamite, the roof will collapse on him.
Defeating ReedNever let Reed out of your sight. If he is by himself and you cannot see him, he will gain health.
69 Ferguson Rifle
A Hole In The Wall
Apache Shirt
Cavalry Sword
Defeating Hollister
Defeating Reed
Desecrate Hoodoo's corpse
Dual Peacemakers
Easy ammunition
Easy health
Go to Hecht Ranch, then go to the shack next to the windmill. There you will find three whiskey bottles which will reappear over time after you leave the area.
Easy money

Easy poker game wins
End of poker cheating
Faster riding
Best Ps2 Shooter Games
Hold Dash while repeatedly jumping your horse to travel about double the speed.Glitch: Horse runs throug wall
Infinite health
Magruder walkthrough (very simplified)
table of contents:
part 1 of 'killing magruder'.
part 2 of 'killing magruder'.
final cutscene review.
hi!, im shotz and im the author of this walkthrough to the last mission of the game 'GUN'. if your reading this you have probably made it this far and got stuck on the last level like on many games before, congratulations for getting that far anyway.
so, you've managed to battle your way through bandits, gunfights, women, train robberies and more and you're finally here at the last duelling fight of your journey..MAGRUDER.
you want to kill the monstrosity? read on..
part 1 of 'killing magruder'
ok, here we go.
firstly, you will be in a cave surrounded by blue-green geysers on the floor, dont worry about guns, the geysers are your weapons.
magruder will be walking around trying to shoot you with a multi-barrelled nock-gun (seven barrelled shotgun), i suggest you equip the dynamite bow and make sure its loaded to the max. stay opposite or behind magruder as he doesnt really follow you he just circles the cave shooting..stay well away from him, if you take a hit from his weapon it could kill you in one shot.
get far away and aim your dynamite bow at one of the geysers on the floor, practice timing it right so that when magruder walks onto the geyser the dynamite explodes and the geyser erupts, if you get this right his health goes down in huge chunks and it will only take about 4-5 hits to get to the next part.
tips: there are health and arrow respawns at either end of the cave, be near an arrow respawn whilst practicing timing the arrow shots.
stay low and out of his range, the big rock in the middle can be jumped through or over but magruder cannot do this, so use it to your advantage.
magruder moves randomly so make sure you are certain that he is going to walk onto a geyser before shooting the arrow, if you dont this could waste the ammo and the respawns arent there all the time! (about 30secs - 1min between respawn times).
use health respawns wisely, his shotgun can take the health bonus away in one hit.
part 2 of 'killing magruder'
after you have taken enough of his health away with the 'geyser trick', magruder decides to cheat a little and climbs onto a rockface at the front of the cave.
here it gets a little harder as you have alot of shooting to do and it takes quite a bit of skill. you can go anywhere in the cave to do this part but i find the easiest place is to crouch at the end of either one of 2 small rows of rock just in front of the rockface magruder is standing on:
crouch here> /^^/^/^^^^^/^-^^^/^/^^ <
crouch at the end of the row, equip the rifle and when you can see magruders body slightly lean out (<~ or ~>) to the right or left depending on which row your at the end of and shoot at magruders head.. if you can i found it easier to position the crosshair just to the left of him so as i lean out the crosshair moves right on him and you can shoot him more easily.
(read tips for evasion of his shots in this part)
Ps2 Shooter Games List
once, you have shot him once or twice he will let out a grunt, this is your cue to switch to pistols and enter quick fire mode as he lobs a pack of dynamite toward you. as the dynamite is in the air flick the right analog (R) so it targets the dynamite and fire away (shoot as soon as it targets or you risk missing). if it works a large chunk of the cavern wall should fall and just miss magruder (damn!).
do this action 2 times on one end of a row of rock and 2 times on the other end. you can do all four times on the same end but the dynamite packs are harder to hit. once this is done you have slaughtered the one eyed creep..yeehaa!
tips:whilst trying to lean out and shoot magruder he will throw free dynamite sticks that could go anywhere, i recommend turning and running behind the center rock as the dynamite cannot usually get there.
using the sniper instead of the rifle means that it will force magruder to throw the pack of dynamite after you have shot him just once, but the sniper is slower to reload so the risk of being hit by his free dynamite sticks is higher.
the free dynamite stick kill you in one hit if you are too close and still harm a fair bit if your near it, i suggest running every time he throws just to be on the safe side.
in this part using the health respawns wisely is VITAL as it is only safe to go get them as soon as you have shot him once, try and get them any other time will probably get you blown up or shot with his nock-gun.
if you are within his range and/or out in the open he will also shoot you with his nasty nock-gun from part 1 be careful to stay under cover.
this tip could save your life and the day, but it could also kill you.. if you miss the pack of dynamite
Gun Video Game Ps2 Cheats Ps4
whilst in quick fire mode and its too late to run away then stay in quick fire mode and as the bomb hits the ground next to you flick the analog to target it and shoot it, the effect of the quick fire mode can sometimes spare you from the damage and basically let you cheat death, but be warned this sometimes does not work and can cause you to be blown to pieces and fail the mission.. its a risky move.
final cutscene review
I found the cutscene quite disappointing really but thats my opinion.

you do not kill magruder you just leave him to die in the cave.
you also try to escape in a cool way and then slip and nearly fall to join magruder.
your hand slips and you fall but out of nowhere the chief indian who was supposed to be holding forester's fort from the calvalry grabs you and hauls you up.
you walk away like nothings happened without even saying the traditional shoot-up computer game snappy phrase that somehow ties in with the storyline somewhere.
the only good bit about it is the falling rock that stops magruder swearing at you because it lands on his head and makes a gory mess.
post your comments on the final cutscene or the whole walkthrough here all comments will be appreciated i hope it helped you and i hope it gets you well on the way to getting %100 completion and unlocking the 2 bonus prizes (its worth it the gun is really cool).
shotz Submitted by shotz
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Ps2 Gun Cheats
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Magruder's seven barrel Nock gun. Successfully complete Story mode and all side missions (100% completion) to unlock Reed's armored horse and Magruder's Cannon Nock gun. This horse cannot be killed and if ever lost, it will return to the mine. This horse also does not lose any health from sprinting.Reed's armored horse and Macgruder's cannon shotgun
Silver Spurs
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