Nancy Drew Games Shadow At The Water's Edge Cheats
Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge – Game Introduction
This document contains a complete Nancy Drew: Secret Of Shadow Ranch game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. inters Welcome to my guide on how to complete Nancy Drew's 23rd mystery, Shadow at the Water's Edge, currently exclusive to computers. To search for a term in this guide, press the ctrl and f buttons on your keyboard at the same time and then enter a search term (see the table of contents below). Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge Cheats, Codes, Action Replay Codes, Passwords, Unlockables for PC. Best archive of Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge cheats, cheats codes, hints, secrets, action replay codes, walkthroughs and guides.
Welcome the Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge walkthrough on Gamezebo. Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge is an adventure game played on PC and Mac created by Her Interactive. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge.
This game is largely nonlinear, meaning that you will likely be playing the game in a different order than outlined in the walkthrough. In this walkthrough I have attempted to make it clear which actions are required to trigger the next step in the game.
Furthermore, the walkthrough only mentions the actions required to complete the game. However, there are many more dialogue options than mentioned in the walkthrough. It often pays to go and talk to Miwako, Rentaro, Takae or Yumi whenever you’re in their vicinity, as they may have new information on the quest.
You start the game at Nancy’s desk at home. Basic game controls are explained in the “how to be a detective” book on the left. You can scan your surroundings with your cursor to find interactive places.
- Nancy Drew 23: Shadow at the Water's Edge Hints from UHS — Not Your Ordinary Walkthrough. General Info The Ryokan The Subways Matsue (The Expo) Kurume (Yumi's Apartment) Kure (The Pachinko Parlor) End Game: After You Find the Hidden Cache Puzzles After You Finish: Questions, Answers, and Fun Stuff. About these hints / Contact their author.
- Directed by Tim Burke. With Lani Minella, Kira Lauren, Mikano Fukaya, Walayn Sharples. Teen detective Nancy Drew travels to Japan and investigates ghost sightings at a traditional inn.
- Yellow arrows will allow you to change direction and move to a different area.
- A red hand will appear when you can grab something.
- A red hand with a little bag icon on it will appear when you can put something in your inventory.
- The magnifying glass turns red when you can take a closer look at something.
When you’re done exploring Nancy’s desk and ready to start the game, click on the plane ticket on the right to start the game. Pick junior or senior detective. In junior mode, some of the puzzles are easier and you get a task list (clipboard icon).
Day 1 – Check in and Explore
Nancy’s Room
- A picture will fall from the wall when you check into the ryokan.
- Miwako will give you your room key. Click on it twice to put it into your inventory.
- Go through all the options of talking to Miwako. She will tell you about Suki, her robotic cat and her grandmother’s art classes in room 18. She will end the conversation when you ask about her grandmother.
- To find your room, turn left by putting your cursor at the left edge of the screen until it turns into a circular arrow. Keep turning until you can go through the doors in the left wall.
- When you go through the doors, you will get a call from your friends Bess and George.
- Ignore the corridor on the right for now and go straight on and up the stairs.
- Your room is room #24 – the third room on the right.
- Use your key to get in.
- In the far left corner of your room you will find all kinds of interesting info.
- The red folder contains envelopes, which you will need later, and info on the ryokan. Click on the info sheet. It tells you where the baths are, the front desk opening hours (7 a.m. – 1 a.m.) and the train stops for the Exposition Center (Matsue) and the pachinko parlor (Kure).
- The green box contains all Nancy’s teaching needs. In particular, note the large folder in the back with her students’ homework. Grade the homework by stamping to the left of each answer and then giving a total grade at the top. Check for new homework to grade every day to get a trophy at the end of the game. There are 5 assignments in total.
- Turn around to face the front door. In the cupboard on the right you will find your suitcase. Open it to find your train pass and a dictionary. There is nothing of interest in the cupboard on the left.
Takae’s Lessons
- Explore the hallways. There are 4 corridors: two on each side of the entrance hall – one upstairs and one downstairs. The downstairs corridors are connected at the back.
- In the corridor below your room, at the end on the right hand side you will find the baths. The baths are open for men and women on alternating days, indicated by blue or red banners. On the first day it is open for men only, so you can’t get in. But when you try to enter you will meet Rentaro. He says he will be in the garden if you need anything. This needs to be done before you can tick off “explore the hallways”.
- Find Takae in the downstairs corridor in the right wing of the ryokan, in room 18 at the back.
- Your first lesson is in katakana, or Japanese calligraphy. You need to learn to write your name. To do this, pick up the brush in the top right and trace the symbols on the page in numerical order. Make sure not to go outside the lines too much, and to fill up the entire length of the space. When you make a mistake, you will have to start again by picking up a new piece of paper from the stack at the top. Also, fill symbol 14 in one movement: don’t drop your brush or you will have to start again.
- Talk to Takae when you’re done to get more info.
- In the top drawer of the cabinet in the far left corner of the room you will find a guide on Japanese writing – remember this for later – and you can do more calligraphy on your own if you like.
Rentaro’s Puzzles
- Leave the room, go right and then left and left again to enter the garden.
- The building in front of this entrance is Rentaro’s shed (it’s in the far right corner of the garden if you come from the entrance hall). Enter it and talk to him.
Rentaro’s Shed
- He will first tell you about Nonogram puzzles and give you your puzzle book, which you can access through your inventory.
- Complete the first Nonogram puzzle (see puzzle solutions below) and return it to him to be told about Sudoku puzzles.
- Complete the first Sudoku puzzle (see puzzle solutions below) to be told about the third and final puzzle type, the Renogram.
- Each time you complete a puzzle, go back to Rentaro for a new one. On completing a full set off puzzles Rentaro will give you some useful info that may help you with the game. Complete all puzzles to get a trophy at the end of the game.
- To be able to tick off “explore the gardens”, walk up and down the paths on either side of the pond and cross the bridge. Right in front of the door to the hallways is a path going to a stone lantern in the water. In front of the cherry tree (the one with the pink blossoms), you can cross the water on stepping stones. Finally, cross the bridge from Rentaro’s shed and turn right. On the right hand side is a bamboo water feature you can inspect.
- That’s all you can do on day 1.
Day 1 – Night.
- You need to go downstairs again after the front desk has closed and everyone has gone to bed. You can either wander around till 1 a.m. or have a nap and set your alarm.
- To set your alarm, go to your room, click on your phone, click the menu button and then the clock button. Use the arrows to set the alarm for 1 a.m., then hit “set alarm”.
- After your nap, go downstairs to the entrance hall. You can now go behind the front desk to have a better look at Suki.
- Click on the computer. You will need a password. It’s probably hidden somewhere on the desk.
- Click on the brown box in the middle of the desk. Suki gets a bit protective and won’t let you near it. Don’t do this twice or you’ll be kicked out of the game. Not to panic, though, just click “try again” when that happens.
- On the wall behind the desk you will find a security system. Read the instructions on the clipboard to the right of it. You need 5 cards to access it, but one card is missing. Leave it for now.
- Go back to your room and set the alarm for 7 p.m.
- During the night, a ghostly creature appears behind your window. Note: This will happen the first time you set your alarm for 7 p.m. the next day, and not when you wander around until 4 a.m. and Nancy decides to go to bed on her own. In that case, just set your alarm the next night and it will happen then.
- After she’s gone, walk up to the window and open it. The screen rips.
- Step outside. You will then go back in and back to bed.
Day 2 – Yumi, the Cat and the Article
- When you wake up, check the green box again for more homework to grade.
- Leave the room and you will be called by Bess, telling you that she met Miwako’s sister, Yumi, at the expo.
- Go downstairs toward the entrance hall. You will overhear some disgruntled guests leaving the ryokan.
- Go talk to Miwako about the guests and the torn screen in your room.
The Baths
- Go to the baths and enter.
- Inspect the mirrors and get a ghostly scene.
- Inspect the baskets on the right to find a list of facts about ghosts and hauntings and a pachinko card. Put the pachinko card in your inventory.
- Go through the sliding doors to the left of the mirrors.
- Inspect the wall behind the showers. It is missing a mosaic tile.
- Have a bath if you like. Bathing regularly gives you an award at the end.
- You can’t tick off “explore the baths” on this visit.
Origami Lesson
- Go back to room 18 for your second lesson with Takae. This time it’s origami. Place the images as below.
- The second drawer in the cabinet on the left now holds a book on origami. Remember this for later.
The Portrait
- Leave the room and go back to Rentaro. Talk to him about whatever you like, and ask him about the portrait from the lobby. You will get a puzzle where you have to untangle some wires. Behind the backing you will find a certificate and an article. Take the article.
- Ask Rentaro about the certificate and the article. He will end the conversation when you ask him about the article.
- Go to Miwako and talk to her. Do not ask her to translate the article as this will end the game. She will get cranky and end the conversation when you ask her about the certificate.
Meet Yumi at the Expo Center
- It’s time to go meet Yumi. Exit the ryokan through the front door.
- Use your dictionary on the Japanese signs to find out that the trains are to the left.
- Go to the trains.
- The Exposition Center is at Matsue station. Find it on the map; it’s on the dark brown line at the bottom of the map. Figure out what route to take to get there. The good news is that you only have to navigate the whole route once after which you will get a fast track. The stations to follow are: Nagori – Otsu – Aomori – Kochi – Tochigi – Seto – Niigata – Fuji – Iga – Matsue.
- At Matsue station, take the flyer from the railing.
- Exit the station to enter the Exposition Center.
- You’ll find Yumi at the bento counter on the right. She will teach you how to make the perfect bento box. Bento puzzles are random, so I can’t give you the solutions here. To complete a bento box, put the figures on the left in their appropriate places in the box. On the right you will get clues in the form of partially filled in shapes.
Tips for filling the bento boxes:
1 – There usually is one shape that can only go in one place. Start with that one.
2 – For each shape, figure out the various locations in which it can go and see if you can rule out any locations through clashing symbols. Start with the larger shapes.
3 – If that doesn’t do it, and you’re still left with more than one position for all shapes, just try to put one of the shapes in a location and see if you can still place the other shapes around it. If not, start again and try a different location.
- After you’ve completed the first box, talk to Yumi again. When you ask her about the ryokan, she will ask you to go get some more bento boxes from her apartment. She will give you the key, her phone number and tell you her apartment is at Kurume station.
- You can ask Yumi to translate the article for you, but she will get angry and end the conversation for now. She will also get cranky if you ask her about her mother.
Yumi’s Apartment
- Exit the expo center and find Kurume station on the train map. It is near the top, on one of the pink lines. To get there from Matsue go: Matsue – Iga – Kobe – Miyazaki – Urawa – Kurume.
- When you arrive, you will probably get some picture messages on your phone from Yumi. You will get several throughout the game.
- Walk up to the first door on the right and use Yumi’s key.
- The bento boxes are on the kitchen worktop immediately to your left.
- Go further in and inspect the bed. Open and read through the book you find there. Inside is the business card of the book’s writer, Savannah Woodham. Take it.
- Leave the bed and go right. You can inspect the shelf on the wall and the computer desk.
- On the shelf you will find a letter from Yumi’s mother and a frog with some kind of number lock on the bottom.
- On the desk you will find a book on shadow puppets, a DVD drive and a computer screen. Click on the Avatars icon on the computer to find it needs a strange, color-code password.
- Turn around, move to the door and inspect the clothes rack on the left. Underneath the dresses you will find a sewing kit (translate with your dictionary) and a DVD. Pick up the DVD.
- Go back to the desk and put the DVD in the DVD drive. Watch the video and take back the DVD.
- Now go back to the Expo Center at Matsue station and talk to Yumi again.
- Ask her about her clothes and she will give you the color password to her computer so you can go and design your own outfits. But not before you’ve made another bento box for her, of course.
- Go back to Yumi’s apartment and click on the avatars link on her computer. Select the correct shape on the right and place it according to the image below.
- On the computer you can play around making some nice avatars. Find your own phone number on your phone and enter it on the right to send the avatars to your phone. You can give each of your contacts in your phone their own avatar.
- Go back to the ryokan. At this point for me, another strange thing happened when I went back up to the room – the doors started slamming and the number on the room door was changed.
At this point, you will be able to complete the article and cat quests. Full instructions for those quests below:
Find a Way to Tame Miwako’s Cat
- When you’ve had a look at the cat during the night, either call Bess in the morning to ask about the cats, or you can ask when they call you.
- A little while later, George will call you with info about the cat. Try calling her yourself to ask if this doesn’t happen.
- The guy who sells the cats will tell you the commands to tame it when you solve a monster Sudoku.
- The Sudoku will be at the desk for you after some time has passed. So go do something else first. Miwako will actually tell you there’s a delivery for you as soon as you come back in after a trip elsewhere.
- Complete the Sudoku as below. Note that puzzles for Junior and Senior levels are different.
Junior Master Sudoku
Senior Master Sudoku
- Go to your room and put the completed Sudoku in an envelope from the red folder.
- Drop the envelope with Miwako at the front desk.
- Go back to your room and call Bess to ask about the code to tame the cat.
Find a Way to Get the Article Translated
- Rentaro, Yumi and Takae all get angry when you show them the article. Miwako even gets so angry she kicks you out of the game entirely. So you need to find another way to have it translated.
- When you’re at Yumi’s apartment, pick up the book on the bed and take out the business card.
- Call Savannah. You will get her rather cranky assistant, Logan. He hangs up on you. If you call him again, he will hang up on you again.
- Call Bess and George and tell them about the book. They promise they will try and distract Logan at the Expo.
- Go do some other stuff for a while, and Bess and George will call you to say they distracted Logan some time later.
- Call Savannah again. Talk to her, going through all the options. She will tell you to leave the article at the front desk and Logan will come and pick it up. This option only appears after you’ve asked at least two other people to translate the article for you.
- Go to your room and put the article in one of the envelopes in the red folder.
- Drop it off with Miwako at the front desk.
- Go do something else for a little while and you will receive a message with the translated article.
- If you talk to Miwako again about the contents of the article, she will get angry and cut you off.
Day 2 – Night
- Set the alarm for 1 a.m. and go back to the front desk.
- Go behind the desk and interact with Suki.
- If you’ve asked Bess for more commands to use on the cat, try them all to get an award at the end.
- Use the Mate command to calm Suki down.
- Now click on the box in the middle of the desk. It has a complex way of opening it. Instructions can be found on the flyer you picked up at the train station. To open, select one or more of the panels so they’re outlined in blue. When you’ve selected the correct group of panels, yellow arrows will appear, indicating in which directions you can move those panels. Each time you’ve completed a move correctly, a wooden tile will pop up at the top of the box. Note that in Senior level there are two extra moves.
1 – Move all panels down
2 – Move middle panel left
3 – Move all panels up
4 – Move bottom panel right
5 – Move middle panel left
6 – Move top right panel right
Senior level only
7 – Move top left panel left
8 – Move middle panel right
- Inside is a mosaic tile, an envelope with Japanese letters on it that translate as “password” with your dictionary and a letter.
- You need to find a way to open the envelope without ripping it. Instructions for this can be found under “Day 4 – Night”, below.
- If you’re still on the night of day 2, you can go back to the baths and put the tile on the wall behind the shower. If not, go back at any time the baths are open to women.
- Place the mosaic as in the image below.
- Look through the peep hole and watch Miwako and Rentaro have an argument (this even works when they’re supposed to have gone to bed).
- You can now check off “explore the baths”.
- You’re done for day 2, so go back to your room and set the alarm for 7 a.m.
Day 3 – Complete the Book Quest
- Get up and grade your papers.
- Go downstairs to room 18 for your next lesson with Takae. This time it’s the tea ceremony. Once Takae has stopped talking, give all the items their correct labels.
- Once done, you will be able to open the main compartment of the cabinet to find Takae’s tea service.
- Go talk to Rentaro and ask him about his relationship with Miwako. If you’ve seen them through the peep hole in the baths, he will ask you to help him get a present for her: a collar for Suki from the pachinko parlor.
You can now make some headway with the Book quest. Full details below. If George doesn’t call you about the book by the end of the day, set your alarm for 7 p.m. the next day.
Find a Complete Copy of Savannah’s Book
- When Bess and George have distracted Logan at the Expo Center, call Savannah and ask her about her book. She is out of copies herself.
- A little while later Logan will call you to “knock it off”. Ask him about the book. He doesn’t have one either.
- A little after you’ve completed the “translate the article” quest, call Savannah again and talk to Logan, who will apologize for his previous rudeness and ask you to help him ask your friend Bess on a date.
- Take this opportunity to ask him for a copy of the book.
- Call him again straight away and ask about the book again. He asks you to help him buy the perfect outfit for Bess.
- Go to Yumi’s apartment, log on to the computer, select an outfit and send it to Savannah’s number – 404 555 4478. If you send more outfits to various people, you will get an award at the end of the game.
- Call Logan again and he says he will give the book to Bess.
- George will call you later (this might be on the next day) that they have the book.
- A little while later, the book will be delivered to the front desk.
Day 4 – Pachinko and EVP
Pachinko Parlor
- Go to the pachinko parlor at Kure station. From the ryokan it’s: Misawa – Nagoya – Otsu – Aomori – Ube – Sakai – Kure.
- At the pachinko parlor first check out the rewards machine straight ahead. Nancy will say she is interested in the comic book. You need 1339 points to get the book.
- There is also a collar for Suki, which requires 2100 points.
- You can play as much as you like to get as many rewards as possible. Get all the rewards and you will get an award at the end of the game. For now, just make sure you get the collar and the comic book.
- You can find the pachinko machines on the left side of the parlor. Out of the three machines, the one on the right gives the best odds, so choose that one.
- To play, insert the pachinko card you found in the baskets in the baths in the slot. You will get 50 balls that you need to try and shoot into the middle hole, which is outlined by a white flower. To shoot a ball, click on the orange knob on the right and hold it until it’s charged to the level you want. I got the best results by charging it up to somewhere between the second and third white mark. You can shoot balls in quick succession.
- Keep playing to get the number of points you need. When you run out of balls, exit the machine to collect your points, then go back in to play again if you need more.
- To claim your reward, go to the rewards machine and open the drawer on the right. Get the bag of balls from your inventory and put it in the drawer. Close the drawer and then open the compartment with the reward of your choice.
Back at the Ryokan
- Go back to the ryokan and give the collar to Rentaro. He will leave to give it to Miwako.
- When he’s gone, go further into the shed and pick up the card with the star on it from his desk.
- If you’ve completed the book quest and read the book, you can call Savannah and ask her more questions about her investigations. Ask her about EVP and what room she stayed in at the ryokan.
- If you’ve won the comic book at the pachinko parlor and have gotten the full copy of Savannah’s book, read both books completely. Note that the comic book has three pages, even though the first time you open it Nancy will talk to you after only two pages. You need to have opened all pages to be able to proceed.
- Go to Rentaro to ask him about EVP. If you’ve just made him leave by giving him the collar for Suki, go away for a little while and then come back to the shed. He will only return once you’ve taken the star card off his desk. When you ask him about EVP, he will give you an EVP recorder.
- To use the recorder, take it out of your inventory, select a channel to record on and click the record button at the top. You can also clear channels where nothing registered.
- Go to the places mentioned in Savannah’s book and record the ambient sounds. The places are: behind the white blossomed cherry tree, the fireplace in the entrance hall, the mirror in the baths, by the showers, and in both upstairs corridors, sort of halfway down. The essential one to move on with the game is behind the cherry tree. However, if you’ve recorded something at all locations and listened to all your recordings you will get a reward at the end.
Behind the Cherry Tree
- When you have nothing else you want to do today, go back to your room.
- Someone will have left wet footsteps on your floor.
- After the footprints appeared, call Savannah again.
- Then set your alarm for 1 a.m. You have a big night ahead of you, so don’t set your alarm for just after 1 a.m. – you’ll need all the time you can get if you want to complete everything in one night.
Day 4 – Night. The Envelope, the Computer and the Security System
There is a lot to do this night. You will be able to open the envelope, access the security system behind the front desk, access the computer behind the front desk, and find more clues to solve the mystery.
The Stone Tablet under the Bridge
- Go back to Rentaro’s shed and put the recorder on the speakers on the right.
- Play all channels you recorded. You will hear Yumi and Miwako fighting on the channel you used behind the cherry tree. You hear the sound of something being thrown in the pond.
- Leave the shed, cross the bridge and turn right. You can now go into the water just beside the bridge.
- Go further into the water and search around for a spot where the magnifying glass turns red. Click there to pick up the key for room 18.
- When you have the key, Nancy will notice a tablet on the under side of the bridge that is missing four rocks that need to be inserted into it.
- Leave the water and look for the rocks in the garden:
One is by the stone bench beside the door to the hallway.
One is by the stone lantern in the water.
One is just past the cherry tree.
One is by the lamp outside Rentaro’s shed.
- When you have them all, go into the entrance hall and check out the book on the table to the left of the front doors – straight across from the front desk. It explains what each stone means.
- Go back to the tablet under the bridge and place the rocks as below.
- Take the paper from the drawer that opens. Note: the drawer will only open if you’ve looked at the book.
Room 18 – Open the Envelope
- Go to room 18 and enter with the key from the pond.
- On the floor, right behind where Takae usually sits, you will find a red key card.
- Get the tea pot from the cabinet.
- In the second drawer, look at the instructions for folding paper. Fold the paper from the pond as follows:
1 – Mountain Fold
2 – Fold to Front
3 – Fold to Front
4 – Fold Unfold
5 – Fold to back
6 – Push, Invert
- If you’ve made a mistake you won’t get any options for the next fold. In that case, just select “start over”.
- Go to the fire place in the entrance hall.
- Put the tea pot on the hook by the fire and wait until it boils.
- Place the envelope from the box behind the desk in the steam as in the image below.
- Read the password inside. It says Takakawa.
Access the Computer
- Go back to Room 18 and check the calligraphy book in the top drawer. Note the symbols for Ta, Ka and Wa in the Hiragana language.

- Go to the computer behind the front desk.
- Enter the symbols you wrote down as the password: Ta – Ka – Ka – Wa. Note: Make sure to hit the Ka symbol twice! Then hit enter.
- Check both pages of room records.
- Use the Mate command on Suki again and access the wooden box again to put the password back. You will now find an Easter egg.
Security System
- With the red card from room 18, you can now solve the security code on the wall behind the desk.
- Place the cards in the slots one by one and rotate them until they cover the right colored area.
- Each slot represents a layer. From left to right they are bottom layer to top layer. A card placed in a higher layer will cover any cells it shares with the previous layer. Play around with the right order of colors until the squares all light up in the correct color.
- A compartment will open. Enter the compartment and take the skeleton key.
More Clues
- Go back to Rentaro’s shed and take the screwdriver from beside the speakers. The screwdriver will only be there after you’ve folded the paper from the stone tablet.
- Go to the bamboo water feature beside the bridge.
- Open it with the screwdriver and take out the paper hidden inside.
- That’s all you can do tonight. You must be exhausted. Go to bed and set the alarm for 7 p.m.
Day 5 – The Hidden Passage
- Call Savannah to ask her more about the room she was staying in.
- Go to the corridor above room 18 and open room 39 at the end with the skeleton key.
- Turn to the left wall and open the door between the rooms with the card with the star symbol on it, similar to the star symbol on the door handle.
- Go in and to the next door etc. until you’re in room 33, where you get a cut scene.
- Go to the balcony doors and click on the colored handle.
- Solve the puzzle by filling in the colors. The circle is made up of six segments that should be identical. This is a timed puzzle so you have to be quick!
- Once the door is unlocked, open it and move to the balcony.
- Go back to room 39 and make your way back to room 33.
- Check out the picture of the bird on the left wall. Click on it to open the hidden passage. Note that you can only do this once Savannah has told you about the carved wooden bird in her room.
- Go in and make your way downstairs.
The Nonogram in the Hidden Bathroom
- Investigate the hidden bathroom. There is a murky pool that Nancy really doesn’t want to enter. To the right of the door where you came in is a table with a warning note. To the left of the door is a tablet with a large Nonogram puzzle. The numbers you found in the bamboo water feature will automatically be entered. You need to find the other half.
- Go back to the pachinko parlor at Kure station.
- On the right wall of the parlor is a photo booth.
- Click on “insert phone here” to enter your phone.
- Then click on “print photo”.
- Do this for all the photos that Yumi sent you. You should have 7, plus a blurry black and white one. If you don’t have all 7, she will send them to you soon, so go play some more pachinko or something.
- Print out the black and white picture to get another Easter egg.
- Select one of the pictures in your inventory and you will be shown all of them on a grid. If you look carefully, you see Japanese symbols on the edges. Place the pictures on the grid until the symbols are all complete.
- Go back to the Expo Center and talk to Yumi.
- She will make you do another bento box, and then she’ll tell you you’ve missed the last train and you need to stay at her apartment.
- Go to the computer table and check out the shelf with the frogs.
- Select the frog on the right to get to the number lock.
- Enter the symbols from the pictures on the lock. Note that this only works if you’ve spoken to Yumi and she’s made you stay at her place.
- Inside the frog is a piece of paper with the second set of numbers for the Nonogram puzzle in the hidden baths.
- Set the alarm for 7 p.m.
- During the night, the window starts to rattle. Open it to get another warning message.
Day 6 – Solve the Mystery
- The next day, check for more homework to grade.
- Go back to room 39 and make your way back to room 33.
- Enter the hidden passage to the bathrooms.
- Access and solve the Nonogram. They’re different for Junior and Senior levels.
- Access the hidden compartment and take out the letter and the knife.
- Now brace yourself as you’re in for a bit of a fright! Exit the compartment.
- Quickly get the knife from your inventory and cut the rope net in half by cutting through the ropes as in the image. The small red knife icon will change into a larger knife at the points where you can cut. You only have limited time to do this, so hurry!
- Inspect the robotic ghost on the floor.
Find Rentaro
- Leave the baths and go and talk to Takae about Kasumi.
- Then go to Rentaro’s shed. He’s not there, so go in.
- Take the second recorder from the speakers.
- There’s a note on his desk. Translate it to find that he has a work order for room 33 that needs to be finished today.
- Take the door-o-matic from the desk.
- Go back to room 33. This time you can go through the door and won’t need to go through room 39.
- Save the game here if you want to be able to see both endings.
- Talk to Rentaro.
- After the cut scene, use the door-o-matic on the door so he can’t get out.
- When your things drop to the floor, pick up the second recorder and select a channel.
Puzzle Solutions
Junior 1
Junior 2 / Senior 1
Junior 3
Junior 4 / Senior 2
Junior 5 / Senior 3
Junior 6 / Senior 4
Junior 7
Senior 5
Junior 8 / Senior 6
Senior 7
Senior 8
Nancy Drew Games Shadow At The Water's Edge Cheats Edge Cheats
Sudoku puzzles are the same for Junior and Senior levels.
Renogram puzzles are the same for Junior and Senior levels.
Walkthrough Menu
General Tips
• From the main screen select New Game to create a new game file (A). • Choose Load and Save Game to open or save game profiles (B). • If you returned to this menu in error, select Continue to return to your active game (C). • Use Second Chance if you have made a fatal error in the game. It will return to the point just before your mistake (D). • This is great if you have forgotten to save your game recently. • Game setup allows you to adjust volumes, brightness, and closed captioning (E). • If the screen moves too much for you, turn off the auto move feature here. • After you select New Game, you will be taken to the Player Challenge Screen. • If you are new to adventure games, or need a refresher, select Gameplay Overview for a tutorial (F). • You have the option of playing at the Junior Detective (G) or Senior Detective (H) levels. • Senior Detective is more difficult and it does not have a task list to follow. • You should save your game often. • You can give the file any name you like, such as your name or where you are in the game then press the Save button (I). • Select a file from the 'books' and press Load to open a previously saved game (J). • Select the tools icon to open your inventory (K). • Some items your can look inside your inventory; you can sort by pressing the Eye button (L). • Items you can use can be sorted by pressing the Hand Icon (M). • Press the X button to close inventory (N). • If you use an item that you are not finished with, you must open inventory and return it. • Select the notebook to view your journal and task list (O). • Press the Check mark to switch to the task list (P). • You can check off tasks that you have accomplished (Q). • The task list is not available in Senior detective mode. • Press the X button to close the journal (R).Chapter 1: Day One
Nancy Drew Shadow At The Water's Edge Puzzles
• Select the cell phone icon at the bottom of the screen (A). • Should you need instructions on using the phone, press the Help button (B). • To access your e-mail or the internet, press the Web button (C). • Press the Directory button (D). • Select the Rawleys from the list, then press the green receiver button (E). • You will need to participate in the conversation; use the button on the left to scroll down if necessary to choose your responses (F). • You can now search the web and learn about several topics, such as rattlesnakes and scorpions. • Next, call Bess Marvin and speak to her completely. • At the end of the conversation, you will have the option to ask for a hint to steer you in the right direction, if necessary. • Select the 'X' in the upper right corner to close the phone (G). • Walk forward to the kitchen and exit through the blue door on the left (H). • Walk forward several times and talk to Dan at the chicken coop (I). • After discussing the desk, he will give you the DESK KEY (J). • Turn around and return to the house via the blue door. • Turn right, then walk forward to the roll-top desk (K). • Use the DESK KEY to unlock the desk (L). • Take the 3 HAND LEVERS (M) and the LETTER TO MARY YAZZEE (N). • Note the bill of sale to Mary Yazzee (O). • Read the letter from disgruntled, former employee Jane Nash (P). • Make sure you arrow down to read the entire letter. • Exit the desk then look at the bookcase just to the left. • Zoom into the right side of the bookcase (Q). • Select the red book on the middle shelf (R). • Open and read the book thoroughly to learn about horses (S). • Turn around, go left, then forward to the fireplace. • Zoom in and read the other book on horses (T). • Zoom in and read the newspaper (U). • Zoom in and note the mantle clock (V). • Back out of the fireplace area and walk to the triangular chest to the right of the roll-top desk. • Zoom into the top area and place the 3 HAND LEVERS on the holes (A). • Per the colors on the clock (B), turn the red bird's handle to the 12 o'clock position (C), the light blue bird's lever to the 2 o'clock position (D), and the yellow bird's lever to the 7 o'clock position (E). • Look at and read the journal (F). • Take and open the envelope (G). • Look at and take the map (H). • Read the letter (I). • Select the watch for a mini-game (J). • Select the key to open the watch (K). • Zoom into the face of the watch (L). • You need to find the sequence of even numbers to press so they all stay down. • Press the even numbers until one stays down. • Press another number; if they both pop up, press the first number again plus another until they both stay down. • Continues this process until all are pressed in. • This mini-game is randomized, your solution may vary. • Returning the watch to the cabinet will rest the combination. • Our solution was: 4-10-2-12-6-8. • Take the WATCH KEY from inside the watch (M). • Walk to the opposite corner of the living room to the small bookcase. • Zoom into the bookcase and select the 6th book form the left (N). • Open the book to see the inscription inside (O). • Back out twice, then turn to the left. • Walk forward to the portrait. • Look at the portrait of Frances Humber (P). • Zoom into the radio and select the knob to listen to the weather report (Q). • You can exit the close-up once the auction news starts. • Walk to the kitchen and exit through the blue door. • Walk to the stable on the right (R). • Go up to the gate with the steer skull and enter. • Turn right and enter the wooden door (S). • Turn left and talk to Tex completely (T). • Look at the poster over the work bench (U). • Turn around and look at the poster on the opposite wall. • Return to the house thorough the blue door; walk forward into the kitchen. • Talk to Shorty thoroughly (A). • Zoom into the recipe box (B) on the right and read the recipe card for Shadow Ranch Cake (C). • Zoom into the refrigerator door (D); read the Sheriff’s number (E) and the list of measurement conversions (F). • Turn and exit trough the blue door. • Walk forward off the porch, then turn around. • Look at the thermometer (G). • Take the VEGETABLE BASKET (H). • Turn around and walk forward to the sunflowers. • Look at your phone and go to the web to learn how vegetables look when ready to pick (I). • Look at the left garden and pick the 4 ripe Northern Lights Tomatoes (J). • Turn around and look at the right garden. • Pick the 2 red Beefsteak tomatoes (K). • Pick the 2 darker Golden Queen tomatoes (L). • Make sure you do not pick unripened vegetable, or you will be sent home. • Return to the kitchen and talk to Shorty. • Pick up the egg basket, then look at it in your inventory. • Zoom in on the broken part for a mini-game. • Right-click to rotate pieces in place; left-click to take or place. • Pieces will lock in place when correct. • Shown here is the Senior Detective mini-game (M). • Select the red thread (N) 3 times to sew the pieces together (O). • Shown here is the Junior Detective mini-game (P). • Select the red thread (Q) 3 times to sew the pieces together (R). • Exit the basket and your inventory. • Return and talk to Dave by the chicken coop, then enter the coop using the door on the right. • Note the sign and the white chicken; do not look for eggs in her nest when she is present (S). • Look in the other 7 nests (T) and take the eggs (U). • Walk to the kitchen, then immediately return to the coop. • With the white chicken gone, check her nest and the others until you have 6 eggs. • Exit the chicken coop and turn around. • Turn around and take the 1/5 KINDLING (A). • Turn around again and take the 2/5 KINDLING by the mine cart (B). • Walk down the center of the vegetable garden and take the 3/5 KINDLING (C). • Return to the kitchen and talk to Shorty. Give him the eggs and he will give you a CANTEEN OF WATER. • Walk to the fireplace in the living room and take 2 pieces of NEWSPAPER. • Walk to the kitchen and exit through the blue door. • Walk forward, then turn around. • Take the 4/5 KINDLING to the left of the blue door (D). • Turn to the left and look at the chopping block (E). • Select a log form the pile on the right (F) and it will go automatically on the block. • Select the wedge from below the axe to trigger the mini-game. • Look at the angle of the wedge (G) and select the hammer head to match (H). • Move your feet to a position (I) that matches where the log is placed (J). • Select the hammer to swing (K). • Repeat this process with the other 2 logs, than take the SPLIT LOGS. • Turn around and walk forward to the fire pit. • Take the EMPTY FIRE BUCKET (L). • Turn around, walk forward, then turn to the left until you see the shed. • Walk forward to the shed and take the 5/5 twigs (M). • Open the door and enter the shed (N). • Walk to the sink, place the EMPTY FIRE BUCKET inside and turn on the faucet. • Take the FIRE BUCKET and return to the fire pit. • Place the FIRE BUCKET on the ground where you originally found it (O). • Look in the fire pit and take the CRUMPLED NOTE (P). • Place the NEWSPAPER in the fire pit (Q). • Place the KINDLING over the newspaper (R). • Place the SPLIT LOGS on the kindling (S). • Return to the stable and enter the tack room. • Turn around so you are facing the opposite corner of where Tex stands. • Zoom in and take the HAT (T). • Zoom in and take the SADDLE AND GLOVES that are over Bob's name (U). • Turn around and talk to Tex and ask if you can now ride. • Exit the tack room and walk forward twice to the horses. • Turn left to look at Bob the horse. • Move until you are at the side of the horse. • Place the SADDLE on Bob (V). • Lift the stirrup (W), pull the cinch 3 times (X), then lower the stirrup. • Grab the reins (Y). • Once you are in the corral, select the saddle to mount the horse. • Tex has some questions for you. • Q: Where are the horse's hocks? A: On its back legs. • Q: Where is the horse's frog? A: On the bottom of the hoof. • Q: How tall is 15 hands? A: Five feet. • Q: What is a Paso Fino? A: A gaited horse. • Q: How do you know if a horse is colicking? A: It keeps lying down and then standing up. • Q: What is the difference between a bay and a chestnut? A: A bay has black points. • Q: What tribe bred the first Appaloosas? A: The Nez Perce. • Q: What part of the horse is most likely to be hurt when it founders? A: Feet. • Q: What part of the saddle should be checked before you go out on the trail? A: The cinch. • Q: What is a mule? A: The offspring of a female horse and male donkey. • You can take a break and come back later to the questions if you like. • Once you have answered all 10 questions, go forward and open the gate. • Walk out the gate, then select Mary's Gifts on the map. • Enter the gift shop and find Mary behind the counter; talk to her thoroughly. • Turn to the right and look at Charleena Purcell's book display (A). • Make sure to read the display card to get her phone number (B). • Select the top section of the Run for Cover game (C). • Use the arrows (D) to move the roadrunner (E) to the hole (F), while avoiding the coyotes (G). • This screenshot is for Junior Detective Level 1. • Move the roadrunner: D x 1, R x 5, D x 5, and R x 5. • This screenshot is for Junior Detective Level 2. • Move the roadrunner: D x 3, R x 1, U x 1, R x 1, D x 5, and R x 5. • This screenshot is for Junior Detective Level 3 and Senior Detective Level 2. • Move the roadrunner: U x 2, R x 7, L x 3, D x 4, and R x 3. • This screenshot is for Senior Detective Level 1. • Move the roadrunner: D x 2, R x 3, L x 1, D x 5, and R x 5. • This screenshot is for Senior Detective Level 3. • Move the roadrunner: D x 2, R x 3, U x 2, L x 3, U x 3, D x 3, R x 6, U x 3, R x 1, and U x 1. • Take the TOKEN from the coin slot. You can play several times if you like. • Turn around to the rest of the shop. • Make note of the tuning fork set (D). • Flip through the prints to learn about petroglyphs (E). • Zoom into the trunk (F). • Look closely at the trunk and the insignia (G). • Place the 3 hand levers into the holes. • Use your cell phone to call Charleena Purcell (H). • You learn that the Humber's wedding date is April, 9th, 1811 (4-9-11). • From left to right, turn the levers to 4 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and 11 o'clock (I). • Take the pocket watch from the trunk. • Back out so the POCKET WATCH goes to your inventory. • Look at the POCKET WATCH in your inventory. • Use the WATCH KEY to open the watch (J). • Zoom into the watch face (K). • You need to find the sequence of odd numbers to press so they all stay down. • Press the odd numbers until one stays down. • Press another number; if they both pop up, press the first number again plus another until they both stay down. • Continues this process until all are pressed in. • This mini-game is randomized, your solution may vary. • Returning the watch to inventory will rest the combination. • Our solution was: 5-9-1-11-3-7. • Turn over the torn photo to see the message on the back (L). • Exit the shop and get on Bob the horse. • Select Shadow Ranch on the map. • Look at Bob the horse and remove his saddle by lifting the stirrup, loosening the cinch, lowering the stirrup and taking the saddle. • Return to the tack room and return the saddle to its stand. • Look at the blue envelope that falls to the floor (M). • Note the card is from Jane Nash to her brother, Tex (N). • Turn around and talk to Tex about his sister. • Turn and exit the tack room to bring on the evening. • After the campfire, you witness the phantom horse!Chapter 2: Day Two
• Begin the day with a call from the Rawleys. • Leave the house and walk to the pump house. • Read the sign on the front door, then call the sheriff (A). • Return to the kitchen and zoom in on the desk to the right of the stove. • Look at the survey map (B). • After Shorty catches you snooping, turn and talk to him thoroughly to get your chores. • Exit the building and turn around to take the VEGETABLE BASKET off the wall. • This is a good time to make some calls; you should call SW Geo Survey, Charleena Purcel, and Bess. • Turn around and head to the gardens to pick veggies. • Look at the left garden and pick 5 ripe Romano beans (C) and 2 Old Ivory Egg tomatoes (D). • Remember to refer to the internet article on harvesting vegetables to see how the ripe ones appear. • Turn around and look at the right garden. • Pick the 2 red Beefsteak tomatoes (E) and the 3 brownish Black Turtle beans (F). • Return and give the vegetables to Shorty. • Next, run out to the chicken coop and collect 6 eggs. • Remember to avoid the white chicken. • Return and talk to Shorty. • Make sure to get a canteen from him. • Turn to the right, look on the table and get the Shadow Ranch Cake recipe from the box. • Look in your inventory and read the recipe carefully. Refer back to the measurements list on the refrigerator if necessary. • Turn around and look at the counter to get started. • Select the butter (G) and place 2 sticks into the mixing bowl (H). • Next add 2 eggs (I). • The recipe calls for 1 and 2/3 cup milk (J) but you have a 1/3 cup measure so you must add the milk 5 times. • Add 2 pints of flour (K). • Select the Baking powder and add 3 teaspoons (L). • For the sugar (M), you will need to add the 1/3 cup to the bowl 7 times. • Lastly, add 3 teaspoons of vanilla (N). • Back up from the counter and choose 'Bake' when it pops up. • If you backed away in error, select 'Add more ingredients' to return to the counter. • If you have made a mistake, back away from the counter and select 'Throw away' to start over. • Select the large round pan in the center to pour the batter. • Once you are at the oven, zoom into the controls (O). • Turn the timer to 45 (P). • Set the temperature to MED (Q). • Press the Bake button (R). • Take the baked cake from the oven (S). • Back at the counter, try some of the cake to make sure it tastes OK. • Select the bowl of icing on the left for a mini-game. • Take the pieces of marzipan (T) from the right and fit them into the indentation on the left (U). • Left-click to take or place a piece; right-click to rotate a piece. • Pieces will lock into place when properly placed. • Use the red food coloring on the blossom (V), and use the green food coloring on the leaf and stem (W). • Back away from the cake then exit through the blue door. • Walk to the tack room and talk to Tex to learn you must feed the chickens and horses before you can go riding. • Turn around and look at the feeding instructions (A). • From left to right the contents of the bins are: oats (B), pellets (C), corn (D), cattle supplement (E), and chicken chow (F). • Zoom into the bins. • Open the far right bin with the chicken chow (G) and select the scoop (H). • You will automatically place the feed into the bucket on the scale (I). • Return to the bin and take another scoop. • Back out of the close-up and choose to keep the BUCKET OF CHICKEN CHOW. • Walk to the chicken coop. • Zoom into the hopper on the chicken coop (J). • Open the hopper lid and pour in the BUCKET OF CHICKEN CHOW (K). • Close the hopper and return to the bins. • You now need to feed the horses. • Looking at the board, Bob needs 2 pounds of oats, 1 pound corn, and 1 ½ pound of mixed pellets. • Watch the scale as you add food; 2 scoops of oats is 2 pounds, 2 scoops of corn is 1 pound, and one scoop of mixed pellets is 1 ½ pounds. • The scale should now read 4 ½ pounds (L). • Take the BUCKET OF RATION A out to Bob and use it on his feed bag (M). • Return to the bins and place the bucket on the scale. • You must do the same for Clyde and Ace. • Clyde will need 3 scoops of oats and I scoop of mixed pellets. • Ace will need 1 scoop of oats, 1 scoop of corn, and 2 scoops of mixed pellets. • Now that you have finished your chores, walk to the pump house and go inside. • Look at the close-up of the broken pipe and take the 1/10 ARROWHEAD (M). • Turn to the left and open the grate (N). • Walk forward to the door, open it and go inside. • Talk to Dave until he leaves. He will show you the other half of the message from the watch. • Turn to the left and take the BEADED PURSE (O). • Turn left again and walk forward to the grate (P) and exit the room. • Turn around and zoom into the stairs; open the top stair for a mini-game. • You must slide the pieces to enable the piece with the initials 'F.H.' to move one space to the right. • Slide the pieces in numerical order (1-15) • This show the solution for the Senior Detective mini-game. • Slide the pieces in numerical order (1-7) • This show the solution for the Junior Detective mini-game. • Open the green bottle and read Dirk's letters. • Return to the chicken coop and talk to Dave about fixing the coop and Frances' letter. • Walk to the tack room and ask Tex if you can ride. • Turn around and take SADDLE and GLOVES. • Exit the tack room and look at the barrel riding poster on the right. • Walk to Bob and saddle him; don't forget the cinch. • Grab the reins to walk to the corral, then saddle up. • You need a barrel run that is less than 10 seconds. • Select the first barrel to begin your run (Q). • As you near a barrel, click on it with your mouse to make a tight turn. • Make sure it is not to early or you will hit the barrel. • After you finish with the barrels, take the lariat to begin that test (R). • Do Not use the lariat when the rope is wavy (S). • Once the rope has a perfect circle (T), select the broom (U) to rope it. • You will need to score 4 out of 5 times. • Once you succeed, you are returned to the tack room. • Tex will give you your lariat. • Ask if you can ride again, then get the saddle and take Bob out the fence. • Select Dry Creek on the map. • Walk forward twice, turn right and walk forward to the Sheriff's Office. • Look at the plank on the porch (A). • Enter the building (B). • Inspect the cells and learn they are locked. • Exit the building and go across the street to the General Store. • You cannot enter the front door, so walk to the right of the building. • Look on the porch and zoom into the machine (C). • Take the HANDLE (D). • Take the 2/10 ARROWHEAD near the outhouse (E). • Note if there are scorpions or snakes near, walk away and come back when they are gone before trying to pick up something. • Turn around from the out house and walk straight across to the barrel. • Note the brand on the barrel and pick up the 3/10 ARROWHEAD. • Turn around from the barrel and walk across the road to the hitching post to see another brand. • The building to the right of the hitching post is Cappy's. • Note the combination lock and the Sheriff's notice on the door. • Turn around and walk to the center of the road then turn to the left to see one more brand on a hitching post. • Return to Bob and travel to Mary's. • Before you go inside, call the Sheriff and Bess. • Enter the shop and look at the arrowhead collection (F). • Note the new addition to the petrified wood collection (G). • Talk to Mary until she won't talk anymore. • Hop on Bob and head to Cougar bend. • Walk forward twice and zoom in on the left rocks. • Take the 4/10 ARROWHEAD (H). • Select the glyph on the right rock (I). • You will go to the map in your inventory. • Take the glyph from the right an place it on the map where you found it. • Zoom in on the rocks and look at the 2 glyphs (J). • They are difficult to see, left-click when your cursor glows red. • Walk to the right and find 2 more glyphs (K). • Look up and use the LARIAT on the log (L). • Look down and grab the rope to start climbing. • When you see the two glyphs, you will not be able to access the map, but Nancy will make note of them (M). • Grab the rope to climb up (N). • Note the three glyphs on the rock ahead (O). • Turn to the right and find a glyph (P) and 5/10 ARROWHEAD (Q). • Turn around and find another glyph (R). • Turn left and climb down the ladder. • Walk to the left of where you first found glyphs. • Take the 6/10 ARROWHEAD on the ground just before you can start climbing the rocks. • Walk up the stones 4 times and find the 2 glyphs (S). • Turn to the left and find the remaining 3 glyphs (T). • All the glyphs should be in place now (U). • The message at the bottom (V) reads, “Beneath Cappy's keys, pappy's name please!” • Jump on Bob and go to the trail stop. • Take the 7/10 ARROWHEAD (A). • Walk forward and take the 8/10 ARROWHEAD (B). • Note Charlie's grave (C). • Opposite the grave is Zebra Rock (D), but don't move it! • There is a rattlesnake hiding underneath. • Return to the path and walk forward. • Take the 9/10 ARROWHEAD (E). • Walk forward again and take the 10/10 ARROWHEAD (F). • Return to Bob, then head to Mary's. • Call Charleena and talk to her thoroughly. • Do an internet search and read about brands and branding. • Leave Mary's and head to Dry Creek. • Walk to Cappy's and look at the combination lock (G). • Enter the code the Sheriff gave you, 9-2-7-4 (H). • Open the doors, enter Cappy's and turn to the left. • Zoom in and look at the can of crackers (I). • Look at the counter to see an indentation (J). • Look at the table and see the electrician's manual (K). • Turn around, go forward and look at the bottom of the piano. • Save your game- there is no reset on this mini-game. • Turn the dials so it reads Cashmeer. • Most dials effect others. • Assuming you have not moved any dials. A x 3, B x 1, C x 1, D x 3, E x 5, F x 3, and G x 3. • Read the note within. • Turn to the left and look at the arcade game. • Use the token you earned earlier. • Drop the TOKEN in the coin slot (H). • Pull the lever (I). • You need to make a hand of 4 Bad Guys. • Press the buttons (J) under the bad guys you want to keep, then pull the lever again. • Getting 4 bad guys will earn you 2 TOKENS. • If you don't win the game, you can go back to Mary's and play the roadrunner game again to earn more tokens. • Exit Cappy's and walk to the Sheriff's. • Look under the branded board on the porch and take the STRANGE BOX. • Hop on Bob and head back to Mary's. • Call Charleena again to ask about the crackers, then enter the shop. • Look at the tuning forks again, then talk to Mary. • She'll give you the tuning forks for 10 ARROWHEADS and gives you a box for them. • If you have all 10 she will decide she only needs 9 and give 1 back to you. • Take the TUNING FORKS and return to Cappy's. • Place the STRANGE BOX on the the bar in the indentation next to the crackers. • Place the HANDLE on the side of the box (K). • Use the TUNING FORKS on the top of the box and they will line up at the bottom of the screen (L). • Each tuning fork has a letter engraved for the notes on a scale. • Place the tuning forks in the holes so that Frances is spelled out using the forks and the letters on top (M). • You will hear glass breaking; back up and look at the lamp on the wall to the right. • Take the note and read it. • Jump on Bob and ride back to the ranch. • Return Bob's saddle to the stand and exit the stables. • Now that it is evening, walk over to the chicken coop and look at the hole in the chicken wire (N). • Try to pick up the pliers to learn you need gloves (O). • Return to the tack room and take the gloves from Bob's saddle and return to the coop. • Take the pliers to trigger a mini-game. • Place the wire pieces from the right onto the fence on the left. • Pieces will lock into place when correct.Chapter 3 : Day Three
• After a call from Bess and George, do a web search and read the articles on knitting and Harrison's yellow roses. • Look closely at Frances Humber's portrait to learn her shawl was made of the Daisy stitch. • Walk to the kitchen and look at the refrigerator. • Take the APPLE MAGNET. • Turn and talk to Shorty to get your chores for the day. • Walk outside and you will see a HORSESHOE; take it for your investigation. • Turn around and get the vegetable basket then walk to the gardens. • Look at the left garden. • The only things ripe enough are the 4 Northern Lights Tomatoes (B). • Look at the right garden; it looks like all the veggies are ripe. • Take the 2 beefsteak tomatoes, 2 Golden Queen tomatoes, and the 2 Black Turtle beans (C). • Return to the kitchen and give Shorty the vegetables, then head to the chicken coop. • Talk to Dave, then collect the eggs. • The white hen is back, so you must run to the kitchen and back to collect the 6th egg from her nest. • Give the eggs to Shorty and don’t forget to ask for your canteen. • Walk to the tack room and talk to Tex. • Take a quick look at the bridle next to the door (D). • Look inside the coffee can on the shelf over Tex's worktable (E). • Piece together the bridle for Tex. • Take the pieces from the right (F) and fit them on the left (G). • Left-click to take or place a piece; right-click to rotate a piece. • Take the BRIDLE, then talk to Tex. • Saddle up Bob and return to Dry Creek. • Walk down to Cappy's and go inside. • Look at the table that originally held the electrician's manual (H). • Walk to the corner where the sleeping bag was and zoom into the box in the corner. • Reach for the key (I). • After waking up in the jail cell, look at the hash marks on the wall to the right of the sink. • Count the number of hash marks and enter the corresponding letter from the alphabet. • For instance, A = 1, B = 2, and so on. • Type a letter, then press enter to move to the next set of hash marks. • It will read, “Under bank lamp” when correct (J). • Turn around, look down and take 2 BRICKS. • Turn right and look out through the bars. • Use your LARIAT to pull the chair to a standing position. • Use the BRICKS on the key for a mini-game. • You need to throw the bricks using the right strength and intensity. • Select the 2nd longest angle (K), and the medium intensity (L). • Press the THROW BUTTON (M). • Use the LARIAT to pull the chair to you and take the KEY. • Use the KEY on the cell door; walk out and turn to the left. • Pick up the DECODER KEY from the floor. • Exit the sheriff's and walk to the 2 story bank building. • Zoom in on and remove the brick below the lamp (N). • Read the note (O). • Jump on Bob and go to Mary's. • Use your phone to check your email. • One message gives directions on how to repair the missing beads on the purse. • The other message is from Charleena for you to look up Kelleher. • Do a web search and read about the Kelleher company. • Enter the shop and talk to Mary. • Turn around and open the box on the table for a mini-game. • First, sort the rings according to color and shape (P). • Select 2 rings to swap position. • Note the colored dividers (Q). • Next, look at each ring to see the size tag (R). • Move the rings so that the sizes are from left to right, the smallest to the largest with that ring type's section. • Nancy will tell you when you have the layout correct. • See the screenshot for the color and shape layout. • The sizes in the first row are: XS-M-XL-S-S-M-S-XL-SL. • The sizes in the second row are: XS-XL-XXL-M-L-XL-M-M-M. • The sizes in the third row are: XS-S-XXL-M-XL-XL-XS-L-XL. • The sizes in the fourth row are: L-XL-XXL-M-XL-XXL-XS-L-L. • The sizes in the fifth row are: S-M-XL-S-L-XL-L-XL-XL. • The sizes in the sixth row are S-S-M-XS-L-XL-L-XL-XXL. • The sizes in the seventh row are: S-XL-XXL-M-XXL-XXL-XS-XS-XS. • Turn around and talk to Mary; she will give you the beads. • Look at the BEADED PURSE in your inventory. • Select the area missing the beads for a mini-game. • Refer to the pattern in your email (S). • Select a bead from the right and place it on the needle (T). • Continue placing beads per the pattern. • Travel back to the ranch and talk to Dave to borrow his AUNT ELLIE'S RING. • Return to Dry Creek and the arcade game at Cappy's. • Place a TOKEN in the slot (A), the use AUNT ELLIE'S RING on the niche (B) to change the game to a 'nice' version (C). • Pull the lever to spin, then press the buttons under the nice ones (D) and spin again. • If you need extra tokens, play the roadrunner game at Mary's. • Once you have a set of 4 nice friends, take the KEY. • Travel back to Trail Stop. • Walk forward twice, turn left then zoom into Zebra rock. • Move the rock (E) and open the trap door (F). • Look inside for a mini-game (G). • Using the APPLE MAGNET, move the element symbols from the 4 corners to their matching element in the center. • The pink and purple circle is Manganese, so move the symbol Mn from the lower right corner to the pink and purple circle (H). • The gray circle is silicon; it will want the Si symbol from the upper left (I). • The blue-green circle is copper; move the Cu symbol from the lower left (J). • Move the Fe symbol from the upper right corner to the orange circle in the center (K). • Underneath is another mini-game. • Now all the flowers clues make sense. • Not all the flowers are in all the spots. • You need a poppy, sunflower, daisy, lily, tulip, and Harrison yellow rose. • Put the favorite flower, the Harrison yellow rose in the center. • See the screenshot for the solution. • Read the note (L). • Use the KEY from the arcade game in the hole to wind up the ballerina (M). • Read the note under the ballerina panel. • Look at the pteroglyph map and draw lines between the symbols as listed on the note (N). • Click on the first symbol (O), then the others in sequence. • The lines form a symbol. • Note where the symbol is on the map (P). • Return to Cougar Bend. • Walk to the right side and use your LARIAT to reach the top. • Turn to the left. • Move the rock with the 'V' symbol aside (Q). • Read the note and take the ROCK (R). • Take Bob and return to Mary's. • Talk to Mary and she will polish the rock for you. • Take the PICTURE AGATE when she is done. • Exit the shop and receive a call from Bess and George. • Return to Trail Stop and walk to Charlie's grave. • Look at Charlie's grave and the PICTURE AGATE will come up. • Turn around until your view is similar to the agate. • Walk forward to the tree (S). • Nancy will grab Bob and head to that location. • Walk forward as far as you can, then turn to the right. • Climb up the rocks 3 times, then use the LARIAT on the branch to get to the top. • Walk forward until you see a message on the wall. • Use your DECODER KEY to decipher the path. • Your path is: brown-lime (KEY) (Also, look in the orange room for a KEY)-yellow-red (KEY)-blue-orange-lime-yellow-brown-blue-lime-orange-blue-brown (KEY)-lime-orange-red-blue-yellow-lime-blue (KEY near the red door)-lime-brown-yellow. • Turn right to start the maze. • Follow the colored rocks using the path (T). • Look in every pot for keys (U). • Make sure to turn around and check the entire room. • When you reach the final yellow door, open the panel. • The 5 KEYS will appear. • Place the KEYS in the same-shaped holes (V). • Push the handle (W). • Enter the room and turn to the right to find a chest full of golden hearts. • Leave the treasure and exit the room to discover you have been followed. • Run to the left and go down the ladder. • Run to the next room. • Turn around and take the LIME STONE. • Turn to the right and take the RED STONE. • Place the LIME STONE where the red was. • Turn left and place the RED STONE where the green was originally. • Exit the close-up and you will automatically hide and watch the bad guy get it (X)! • CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch!Nancy Drew Game Shadow At The Water's Edge
Created at: 2012-03-18