Ps2 Game Smackdown Pain Cheat Codes
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Here Comes the Pain PlayStation 2 Gameplay HD. A match between The Rock and Brock Lesnar. Here Comes the Pain (Known as Excitin. In Raw it is HHH, and in SmackDown it is Angle. If you continue to do well in your matches, eventually Vince McMahon may give you a title shot at the next PPV against the champ. Title shots In season mode, if you want a title shot, go to the 'Move' option and choose 'GM Room'. The titles vary, depending if you are on Raw or SmackDown.
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Playstation 2: WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain Cheats WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain Unlockable: Credits Finish a whole season to unlock the Credits. Video Game Cheat Codes - More Cheats, Hints and Tips than ever! The 'VG' in stands for Video Games. This is because we have a cheats database for almost every console. Also see Cheats for more help on WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain. Master Code for WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain (PS2). Have all of the in game items unlocked with this action replay. This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator. Welcome to our collection of WWE SmackDown!Here Comes The Pain, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for PS2.Visit our dedicated WWE SmackDown!Here Comes The Pain message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more WWE SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain cheats to be posted. Your source for PS2 gaming cheats, game news, reviews & previews. Amazon Price Tracker GamesTracker Ltd accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain cheats, hints, tips, achievements, PS2 cheat codes, walkthroughs, secrets, easter eggs, trivia or glitches listed anywhere on this site.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain.
See Wrestler
In season mode, when you go to move, the onlyplace it will let you go is the GM Office. Ifyou go there then exit, most of the time whenyou go back into move you will be able to see awrestler.
Brock Lesnar: Shooting Star Press
In an Elimination Chamber match, go onto a turnbuckle as Brock Lesnar then press Square. Youwill now climb on top of a chamber. Then, pressDown + X to do the Shooting Star Press.
The Rock: Perfect Rock Bottom
This requires one of The Rock's special metersto be filled. When your opponent is on theground, go to his/her head and press Left +Circle or Right + Circle button. If donecorrectly, the Rock will stalk his opponent, andSmackdown! will flash above. Press L1 and youwill have completed the perfect Rock Bottom.
No DQ Title Matches
In season mode, in title matches, no matter whattitle you compete for, you can't get Disqualified!
Get More Money Faster
To get money all you need too do is use someonelike Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, or someone elsewith superstar points in the 90s. It might workif the superstar points are at 87-99 but im notsure if it will work at 87-89.
Elimination Chamber Match: Climb The Cage
You can climb the cage by pressing Toward thecage and Square. You can climb up slightly, thenmove left or right until you get on topof the chamber. You can also climb on top of thechamber by getting on the turnbuckle first andthen pressing Up + Square.
Hardcore Match: Easy Win
During a hardcore match, bring your opponentbackstage to the area where you can ride theUndertaker's motorcycle. Irish Whip youropponent into the semi with the WWE insignia. Hewill automatically climb it, and walk off. Eachtime this is done, it will affect his entirebody. Repeat this until his meter is red.
Hell In The Cell Match: Easy Win
Break open one of the two sections in the top ofthe cell first. Then, go up to the top and theCPU opponent will follow you. Moveyourself so that the opponent will step rightinto the open spot, falling to the ground andsuffering major damage. The key is to stayon the side of the hole that is opposite of theCPU opponent.
TLC Match: Serious Air Time
When doing the TLC match, take both tables andthrow them onto the table at ringside. Set theone table up, and throw the other one ontop of the first. Then, climb onto that table,and set the other one directly on top of it.Grab the ladder and toss that onto the firsttable, then the other table. It will be thrownonto the highest table. Set the ladder up, andyou now have three tables with aladder on top. Climb all three tables and theladder. You can do high flyer moves from veryhigh in the air. As long as your opponentis close, you can land on them for some seriousdamage. If you miss, you are going to lose theupper hand. This also works on the RAW setwith JR and King's announcer table, although youseem to be limited to the ladder and one table.If you break the RAW table prior tosetting this up, you can have both tables andthe ladder. The moves from the ladder will nowbe done from high above a concrete floor.If you are in a tornado tag match, and someonetips the ladder, both of you will take seriousdamage from the high fall onto the floor.You cannot climb sets in HCTP, but you can stilldo serious high flying.
No Blood
Certain people in the game cannot bleed,including all women (original or created).
Season Mode: Easy Money
If you hold a title in season mode, you will getmore money in every match your superstar is in.Also, holding more than one title willlet you have more than one match, resulting inmore money.
World Title Or WWE Title
In story mode. if you have over 85 SP you canchallenge the main title. If you are on Raw, itis the World Title. If you are on SmackDown, itis the WWE Title. Instead of asking for thetitle shot, you must get involved with astoryline involving the current champion. In Rawit is HHH, and in SmackDown it is Angle. If youcontinue to do well in your matches, eventuallyVince McMahon may give you a title shot at thenext PPV against the champ.
Getting Weapons
You can grab weapons from under the ring on theoutside by pressing Square in the center of thering. You can only grab one weapon from eachside of the ring.
Ps2 Game Smackdown Pain Cheat Codes 10
Extra Smackdown Special For Wrestlemania Main Event
When competing in the main event as the championdefending his title, during one of the week'sshows before your championship match you will beinterviewed (by whom depends on show, RAW orSmackdown). In the interview, you will be askeda series of questions. Each question has anegative answer followed by a positive answer.Answer all three questions the respectful way(positive) and you will receive an extraSmackdown special for your match at Wrestlmania,as well as 3 Superstar points on the night ofthe interview.
Standing Anglelock
Choose any superstar who is assigned withAnglelock 1 or Anglelock 2. Reverse any type ofstriking kick and tap L1 quickly to do thestanding Anglelock.
In a match that allows interference, press R3 tohave someone come to your rescue. This onlyworks if you can have interference in a matchand if you are in a stable.
Do Opponent's Second Finisher
You can do your opponent's second finisher(ifthey have one) by holding L2 and pressing L1 + D-pad.
Do Your Opponent's Special
When your opponent is on the ground, hold Circleand a desired direction to drag him or her.
Take Off Turnbuckle
When in the ring, approach any turnbuckle andpress Square to take them off. When outside ofthe ring, Irish Whip your opponent into theturnbuckle pole. They should now be leaningagainst it. Press Up + Circle or like you aredoing a move and you will slam their head intothe pole and throw them in the ring.
Exit Backstage Cage
In the Arena backlot entrance, you can driveyour opponent through the top of a cage the ison the far right side of the room. Once insidethe cage, it will seem that you have no escape.Walk to one of the edges and press Square. Keeptapping Square and you will shake the cage dooruntil it falls off.
Backstage Valves And Controls
The backstage has two valves that you can turn.Each valve has a different color and they workonly for the pipe with the same color. Walk upto the valve and press Square. There is also twocontrol panels that you can push. One is on theupper level, and the other is on the lowerlevel. Press Square when your opponent is infront of the garage door on the lower level andyou will see boxes and everything flying out atthem. The cage also can be broken. Throw youopponent just right on the cage and it willbreak. They will then have to rip off the leftside of the cage wall in order to get out.
Training Room: TV Monitor Weapon
To obtain the TV Monitor as a weapon, go to thetraining room and whip your opponent into thestand with the monitor on it. It will fall andbecome available to use.
Training Room: Easy Special From Treadmill
When in the training room, hop onto thetreadmill. By tapping X while walking, yourwrestling will start to run. This causes yourspecial to fill very quickly. You can then keephitting your special for the win.
Training Room: Walk On Treadmill
If you get on the treadmill, you can walk on itby holding Square.
Training Room: Hidden Area
When you are doing an Hardcore match, go to thetraining room and you will notice a wall thathas a crack in it. Irish Whip your opponent intothe wall two or three times. The wall will falldown. There will be a little steam room that youcan throw your opponent into, and two closetwith Diva posters in them.
Times Square: Very High Flying Move
When standing on the tip top area in TimesSquare, you can do a very high flying move bypressing Toward the street on the D-pad + Square.
Times Square: Climb Lamp Post
Go to the lamp post at the bottom right. PressSquare to climb the lamp post. You can climb thepost, and if there is someone is on thehelicopter, aim yourself with the D-pad andpress Square. If done correctly, you will knockthe other wrestler down and hang on to theladder.
Times Square: Actions
To climb up the ladder, press a direction +Triangle.To climb up the ladder then other levelwith the words going across, press a direction +Triangle, then Up + Triangle To climb up theladder then other thing with the words goingacross, climb to where it says 'Smackdown!',then press Up + Triangle. There are four storewindows that you can open. Irish Whip youropponent into the glass (located on right andleft side of ladder). There are two or three onthe left side and one on the right side. Weaponsthat can be used behind the glass windowsinclude a mannequin and shopping cart. To get onthe helicopter, get directly in the middle ofthe helicopter windm then press Square. Then,aim where you want to land. Note: You can alsoblow up cars.
Parking Lot: Another Easy Win
Equip your wrestler with the F-5 (from powerslamposition). Run to the semi in the parking lotand get on top of it before your opponent. Whenthey climb up, get below them on the screen andhit them with a toe kick to stun them. Performthe F-5 and your opponent will crash face firstinto the ground. This causes a huge amount ofdamage and makes for an easy victory.
Parking Lot: Easy Win
Equip your wrestler with 'Shuffle Sidekick 3' asa ready striking move. In the parking lot, climbatop the semi. When the opponent follows, usethe kick and they will fall backwards off thesemi. The AI will repeat climbing back up, andyou can continue to knock them back down forsome heavy damage each fall. /made-man-game-cheats-ps2.html.
Parking Lot: High Flying From Semi Truck
To the far right of the parking lot is the WWEsemi truck. If you look at the ground, you willnotice a white arrow on it. Walk over to thetruck, press Triangle + Right on the D-pad. Youwill jump onto the top of the semi truck. Fromhere, you can do high flying moves or knock youropponent onto the ground for serious damage.Note: You cannot get down without damage unlessyou hit a move. You can only dive out until thearrow becomes narrow, anything past and you willhit the ground.
Parking Lot: Ride Vehicle
When you reach the parking lot whereUndertaker's bike and a forklift is located, youcan ride them by pressing Square. On theforklift, you can drop the box onto the opponentby making the lift go up and down. If you are onUndertaker's bike, you can grab theopponent and drag him around the lot.
Parking Lot: Freight Box
In the parking lot there is a another vehicle(not the motorcycle but the other yellowforklift). To get more than one more box afteryou are done pressing Circle and there are nomore, go to the bottom left of the area with thevehicle. One more freight box shouldappear on the carrier. You can do this as manytimes as desired.
Parking Lot: Electrocution
Backstage in the parking lot, you will see anelectric box with a little fence around it.Irish Whip your opponent into the fence andit will fall down. Then, Irish Whip youropponent into the electric box to electrocutethem.
Season Mode: Las Vegas Roulette
Whenever your show is at Las Vegas, EricBisschoff (Raw) or Stephanie McMahon(Smackdown)will run Raw or Smackdown Roulette. Inthis, they will spin a roulette wheel to choosethe show's matches. Note: They will only pickfor you.
Season Mode: Enter Females
The game normally will not allow female createdsuperstars into season mode. If you want toenter a created female superstar intoseason mode,go into create mode, go to thecharacter's profile, and change the genderto 'other'. You can now take your femalecharacter into season, and get some points toincrease her stats and make her ready tocompete. However, since the gender will nolonger be female, you still cannot go for thewomen's championship. Once you are done withyour season, you can change the gender back tofemale and still keep the points.
Season Mode: Skip Matches
After a year of season mode, you will be able toskip your matches. Note: When you skip, you willautomatically lose.
Season Mode: Easy Win
In season mode, set up a table in the corner ofthe ring and move near it until the CPU opponentputs you through it. They will be disqualified,and you will win the match, getting more respectand superstar points.
Elimination Chamber Match: Shatter Glass
You can shatter the glass by Irish Whippingsomeone into them. It will do a lot of damage tothem. It does not matter if the chamber isoccupied or not.
Shawn Michaels: Hit The Sweet Chin Music From The Corner
Instead of pressing L1 from front position,floor your opponent in the center of the ring,move by their upper body, and press L1. Shawnwill move to the corner, do his trademark footstomping, then hit the Sweet Chin Music on hisopponent just as they are back on their feet.
Shawn Michaels: Special Entrance From Wrestlemania XII
It is to see the entrance that Shawn Michaelsdid at Wrestlemania XII when he fought Bret Hartin the Ironman match, do the season mode asShawn Michaels and win the rumble, allowing youto be the #1 contender. Then, just beforeWrestlemania (the week or two before it), thecoach will approach you and say that they haveideas for your entrance at Wrestlemania. When heoffers if you want to hear them, reply 'Yes'. Atthe Wrestlemania, he will come down from therafters as he did against Bret Hart.
Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemania Entrance
During story mode, if you are the championdefending your title at the main event atWrestlemania, someone (depending on show) willapproach you and ask if you have a moment tospeak with the stage crew about yourWrestlemania entrance. This will occur sometimein the weeks before Wrestlemania. Answer 'Yes'to speak to them about your entrance. Then, atWrestlemania you will come down to the ring on awire from the rafters, just as Shawn Michaelsdid at his Classic Wrestlemania match.
Successfully complete one season in season modeto unlock the credits.
Move Sets
The following move sets can be unlocked for the corresponding price in the Shopzone.
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Easy Specials
Hold Down/Left or Down/Right and pressAttack. This will have the wrestler perform astraight kick to the stomach and stun them formore then enough time for you to press L1 to doyour special. This works for all wrestlers. Todo your opponent's special move, hold L2 thenpress L1.Knock out the referee by running athim and trying to tackle him. Then, go outsideand grab a chair from under the ring. Either runback into the ring or wait for the opponent tocome out. Then, keep X + Right pressing tocontinuously hit your opponent in the stomach.Keep doing this and you gain your special veryfast, and also do serious damage to youropponent. Note: Make sure to throw the weaponaway when the referee is getting up or else youwill get DQed.
The following attires can be unlocked in exhibition mode for the corresponding price inthe Shopzone.
Hidden WWE Divas Loading Screens
The following loading screens can be unlocked for the corresponding price in the Shopzone.
Bra And Panties
The following hidden bra and panties can beunlocked for use in bra and panties matches for10,000 in the Shopzone: Torrie, Sable, Stacy,Trish, Lita, Jazz, Victoria.
WWE Legends
The following WWE Legends can be unlocked for35,000 Smackdown dollars in Shopzone in seasonmode: Legion of Doom Animal, Legion of DoomHawk, Sgt. Slaughter, The Million Dollar Man TedDiBiase, and Old-School Undertaker. Thefollowing WWE Legends are available from thestart. Each of them have very powerful grapples.However, their grapples are not as powerful asthose of the unlockable WWE Legends. They are:George 'The Animal' Steele, Hillbilly Jim, TheIron Sheik, Superfly' Jimmy Snuka, Rowdy' RoddyPiper, and Nicholai Volkoff.
Hidden Ending Sequence
After the credits are over, WWE Superstar JohnCena does a freestyle rap about WWE Smackdown!Here Comes The Pain.
Move Sets
Brock Vs. Brock
To do this trick, Brock Lesnar has to be holdingthe U.S. Title, you must have the WWE Title, andyou must get the opportunity via chancestoryline for Brock Lesnar to compete in anumber one contender match. Once all thathappens, make sure Brock Lesnar wins his numberone contender match by 'playing' his match ashim. If done correctly, on the next show BrockLesnar as the U.S. Champion will approach youand say he 'understands what you are going throwbecause he has to defend his belt at the PPV aswell' and wishes you luck. The established storyis that Brock Lesnar is respecting you andwishing you luck, but he also is your enemy atthe next PPV. Finally, when on the same show inwhich he wishes you luck, Brock will have amatch against someone. Choose to skip the matchand Brock Lesnar will lose. The intermissionsequence afterwards shows 'Brock Lesnar yourally' being beaten up by his opponent and 'BrockLesnar your enemy'. The enemy Brock Lesnar willthen explain that the next PPV eventsince 'friend Brock' has to defend his titleagainst whatever opponent he just had, and youmust defend it against 'enemy Brock'. You shouldmake it a tag team match with both titles on theline. the resulting match is you and Brock vs.Brock and someone else.
Parking Lot: Motorcycle Stuck On You
When you are in the parking lot, get on themotorcycle. Have another player get in theforklift and drop a crate on you. After this,the bike will be stuck on you.
Elimination Chamber Match: Run Around Crowd
Play as one of the last two wrestlers. Climb thecage on the sides closest to the camera. Whenyour opponent gets close to you, climb on top ofthe chamber. Once he follows, climb down ontothe turnbuckle. Once your opponent is on top ofthe chamber, press X. You should be out of thechamber. If you walk towards the chamber, itwill automatically let you back in. However, ifyou stay outside you can walk through the crowd,through the Titantron, and through everythingelse. If you run straight through the Titantronand do not stop running, the camera will zoomout all the way into the rafters and will showyou running non-stop into nothingness.
Elimination Chamber Match: Getting Out Of The Chamber
Get out of the ring, then climb the cage. Waituntil your opponent gets out of the ring, thengo on the chamber. Your opponent will then moveto the chamber. Get off of the chamber beforeyour opponent gets on. When you are off thechamber, you will be on the turnbuckle. When youopponent is on the chamber press X, then you areout off the chamber. Sometimes your opponent cango out also.
Enter Crowd (Alternate)
Alternately, after you fall through the annoucer table, with the brown table still in your hand, run diagonally into the audience. For example, if you are doing it at the right announcer table, run to the south-east, and if you are doing on the left, run towards the south-west).
Purchase Arenas At Shop Zone For The Following:
To get into the shower area you must do some kindof match that allows you to go backstage. Thenyou need to get to the Training Room. Whip youropponent into the top wall of the room. Thereshould then be a big crack. Whip your opponentinto the wall again and it will break!!!!
Fill Up 5 Specials (Garage)
In the garage area (place where 'Taker's bike &forklift are parked) pick up the sledgehammer andattack your opponent with it. It causes seriousdamage to their body and your specials fill upextremly fast.
Fill Up 5 Specials Quickly
In the training room, hop on the treadmill and press Square. Once your wrestlerstarts walking, press X as fast as you can. This will fill up your specials inmere seconds depending on your wrestler.
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