Thief Iphone Game Cheats
Thief (2014) - All safe codes, safe locations, safe combinations We've got a complete guide to every single safe combination code you need for completing Thief's main mission, side jobs,. Yo, this game, OMG. Like I don’t even know if it’s a 1 star or a 5 star game because of how unbelievably difficult it is, so I just have to give it 3 stars. Like whoever could score a 50 in this game could probably solve world peace. Yes, this game is harder than finding world peace. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2020: Cheatbook-Database 2020 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from. The Tribez, a mobile adventure that tasks players with building up their own tribal group and village, is an addictive hit. Use these tips/tricks/cheats.
Man of Steal - The True Master Thief - Platinum Mint Condition - Finish 3 consecutive missions without taking damage - Bronze Modesty Denied - Score an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map - Silver Moral Victory - Finish the game without a single kill or knockout - Gold More Heist Less Speed - Finish the game in 15 hours or more - Silver.

Our Thief +6 trainer is now available for version 1.7 BUILD 4158.21 and supports STEAM. These Thief cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. Cheats: Chrono Trigger reference While crawling through the vents in Chapter 2, just after the men discuss disposing a body in the furnace, you can hear the Thief-Taker General whistle Frog's theme from Chrono Trigger. Easy 'Hail Of Glass' achievement You can find a bottle in front of the 'Reynard's Coffeehouse' shop (open world) in Clock Tower.
Chrono Trigger reference
While crawling through the vents in Chapter 2, just after the men discuss disposing a body in the furnace, you can hear the Thief-Taker General whistle Frog's theme from Chrono Trigger.
Easy 'Hail Of Glass' achievement
You can find a bottle in front of the 'Reynard's Coffeehouse' shop (open world) in Clock Tower Plaza. Equip the bottle, and aim into the air right above you. After throwing the bottle, you have 1.5 seconds before it hits the ground. Shoot an arrow when the bottle is close to hitting the ground. The closer the bottle, the better your chance of hitting it. You can also try moving around a little by taking a step to the left or right to adjust your aim if standing still does not work. If you know the bottle often lands to your right, then take a step to the right. Save the game before throwing the bottle so you can
quickly reload the game and try again if do not hit the bottle.
Steal the Jeweled Mask:
First of all you're going to have to take out the Jeweler, so quietly get into
position behind him and knock him out. Make sure you steal absolutely everything
you can get your hands on, including one very important item called Lyegrove's
Letter. You can find it on the desk. One of the paintings found in each corner of the room conceals a safe. Once you've located the correct one, approach it and feel your way towards the trigger. Once activated, you'll find yourself facing a lock that can't be picked. Fortunately, the letter you looted just a moment ago rather handily contains the code you need. Once you've opened up the safe, take the special collectible item: Unique Loot (2/9) - Lyegrove's Jeweled Mask.
Thief 2014 Money Cheat:
Thief 2014 let’s you play the side mission called “Ector’s Client Job 1: Hand Tailored” unlimited times . This seems to work for as long as you’re between “Chapter 4: A Friend in Need” and “Chapter 5: The Forsaken”.
Money Cheat Method: Every time you replay the “Ector’s Client Job 1: Hand Tailored” side mission, it allows you to collect all the loot and stack chips! It’s likely happening when you’re not discovering every unique item when completing the “Hand Tailored” side mission. So the game is giving me another chance to discover the 3rd unique item before it closes it up for good. In the meantime I replay the mission over and over by finding all 24 loot items and the robot claw. The enemies are extremely easy at this point in the game, so just a few swipes of the club will take them out (no reason to waste arrows).
There’s also 1 food and 1 poppy in the level so it’s great for stocking up on those items by defeating it 4-5 times. Each completion nets me about 265 gold and takes about 10 minutes to do. After I get somewhere between 8,000 to 10,000 gold, I go back to the shop and upgrade everything I want and go back for more.
Two-Faced achievement:
While inside the Stonecutter’s Court, find the Jeweler's Shop to the left of the guards that are chatting under the light. Enter the shop and knock out the guard to the left of the entrance, then turn to the right. Find the three cabinets below the red drapes and use a lockpick on the center cabinet to get the first mask. Once done, turn around and sneak into the cellar. Avoid the person working at the desk while moving to the rear left corner of the workshop. Interact with the painting and use the secret switch to
unlatch it to find a wall safe. Enter the combination '739' to open the safe and collect the other item.
All 12 safes with these combinations and tips:
Safe 01: Chapter 1: Lockdown – Serendi Jeweler’s Cellar
You’ll need to head into this jeweler’s shop as part of the main story, so finding this safe should be no problem. Creep into the basement and deal with the jeweler either by knocking him out or distracting him and grab a document on his workstation called Lyegrove’s Letter. Head to the southwest corner and find the safe behind a painting. The combination is 7-3-9.
Safe 02 – Side Job: Beauty Within – Miss Scarlett’s Town House
You need to do the Basso’s Beauty Within side job to get this safe, located in The City. Head to the Clock Tower Plaza and Miss Scarlett’s Town House near the Bookbinders. Miss Scarlet is catching Zs but her old man can be a bit of a pest, so blackjack the old fella and head to main floor where you’ll find the safe on the south wall. The combination is 8-2-4 which you can find in the cabinet on the north wall.
Safe 03 – Chapter 2: Dust to Dust – Workshop
Easy stuff – the safe is inside the workshop but the combination is spread out. You’ll find one number on the back of the mechanical arm, the second on the mechanical skill on the chair. The third number is just a case of trial and error until the lock pops. Or just enter 3-1-4. Bingo.
Safe 04 – The City – Sick Willy’s Stash
This safe isn’t part of the main game or side mission. Head south to Baron’s Way South and look for a ladder that you’ll need to lower by shooting a blunt arrow at it. Climb up and prise open a closed window (ignore the open window). The combination is on the newspaper – it’s the day’s date, 8-4-2.
Safe 05 – Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets – Madam Xiao-Xiao’s Private Chamber
Another in-game story find, the safe is in Madam Xiao-Xiao’s private chamber.
The combiation is found in documents dotted around the brothel. It’s 5-7-3.
Safe 06 – Chapter 4: A Friend in Need – The Keep
You can’t progress the story without opening this safe and the combination is found earlier in the chapter inside the architect’s study. The Great Safe is inside the keep in the safe chamber (the name gives it away). Reset the lock mechanism by pressing on one side of the safe and quickly doing the same on the other side. The combination is 3-1-9 on the left and 0-1-8 on the right.
Safe 07 – Chapter 5: The Forsaken – Room 3E
Another area that needs visiting in order to progress the chapter, but the room where the safe hides is optional. Inside the asylum you need the treatment level and while there turn the generator to investigate the different rooms. Room 3E has a safe on the wall and you should have found the combination on a note earlier in the chapter. It’s 7-3-1.
Safe 08 – Side Job: Check Mate – Mourningside
Start Basso’s Check Mate side job and head to the Shady Merchant where you’ll see two people hanging around near a brazier. Step up on the crates and pry open a window into Archie Maxwell’s house. Head to the basement avoiding Archie. Look out for traps and the safe is on the wall with the combination 7-7-6.
Safe 09 – Chapter 6: A Man Apart – East Lounge
The combination can be obtained by a guard in the library. Head to the first floor of Baron’s Mansion and look out for the two guards patrolling the area – blackjack them fools – and open the safe with the combination 8-8-9.
Safe 10 – Chapter 6: A Man Apart – West Hall
You’ll witness a Graven killing a guard and you’ll find the safe in the room being guarded. Knock that chump out and enter the combination 0-1-7.
Safe 11 – Chapter 7: The Hidden City – Loading Docks Interior
Another area you have to pass through in order to progress the story of the game. After the elevator ride look for the guard walking a path that takes him in and out of a tunnel. The safe is in that tunnel. The combination is discovered later in the chapter so if you don’t want to backtrack enter 6-7-3.
Safe 12 – Client Job 4: The Carnal Connoisseur – Wine Cellar
Accept the client job Carnal Connoisseur, offered by Vittori. Head to the wine cellar, where the safe is stashed behind a painting. The combination is found in two documents in the mission. The combination is 8-1-2 which will open a hidden door.
Old Habits Die Hard Achievement:
To unlock this achievement, start or replay at Chapter 5: The Forsaken.
Secret Stash #1: Travel to the men’s ward and enter the first hall on the right. Look for a tall cupboard on the left and climb it to find treasure in an open vent.
Secret Stash #2: From the previous collectible, jump across to the narrow ledge across, and continue down the hall. There’s another open vent down the way with another treasure.
Secret Stash #3: Drop down and circle around to the back two doors of the second hallway of cells in the Men’s Ward. The last door is locked, but there’s a hole in the wall. Enter the neighboring room and crawl through the hole. Climb up to the vent above the blocked door to grab another treasure.
Secret Stash #4: Go to the elevator shaft in the Women’s Ward and shoot a rope arrow into the anchor point. Climb down and jump through the gap into the room below. Climb the crates to the left to find the secret stash sitting on a pipe.
Secret Stash #5: Climb out of the lower floor through the stairs, then turn left to find a guard room with the bars missing. Crawl through and turn left, looking behind the book shelves to find a closed vent. Unscrew the cover and immediately turn left to find the last treasure.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Obsessive Compulsive: Steal all loot and collectibles in a single chapter.
Sleight of Hand: Pick 100 pockets in a single playthrough.
Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock: Pick a lock with masterful speed.
Something to Prove: Finish the game with a custom difficulty of 700 points or more.
Dark Archer: Complete 10 optional Thieving Challenges.
Legend in Leather: Complete 25 optional Thieving Challenges.
Mint Condition: Finish 3 consecutive missions without taking damage.
Focus on the Tasks at Hand: Pick a pocket and a lock using the focus ability.
Moral Victory: Finish the game without a single kill or knockout.
One Step Ahead: Disarm ten trap mechanisms.
Clear Headed: Reach the final chapter without using the focus ability.
Hard Times: Finish the game on Master difficulty.
Modesty Denied: Score an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map.
Child of the Shadows: Finish a single chapter without alerting anyone.
Hail of Glass: Shoot a bottle in mid-air with an arrow.
Health Hazard: Kill or knockout 10 people using the environment.
Priceless: Complete a collectible set.
What's Yours is Mine: Complete all collectible sets.
Hidden Agenda: Discover 15 secret areas.
Finders Keepers: Discover all secret areas.
Cache Dispenser: Use 40,000 gold.
Working Overtime: Complete all Client Jobs in The City.
Dastardly Deeds: Complete all Basso Jobs in The City.
All That Glitters: Steal 5 collectibles.
More Heist Less Speed: Finish the game in 15 hours or more.
Happy Birthday: Sweet sixteen. Snuff said.
Old Habits Die Hard: Found all the secret stashes in Moira.
Two Faced: Uncovered Lyegrove's secret.
The Drop: Finished the Prologue.
Lockdown: Finished Chapter One.
Dust to Dust: Finished Chapter Two.
Dirty Secrets: Finished Chapter Three.
A Friend in Need: Finished Chapter Four.
The Forsaken: Finished Chapter Five.
A Man Apart: Finished Chapter Six.
The Hidden City: Finished Chapter Seven.
The Dawn's Light: Finished Chapter Eight.
Do you want to cheat on iOS games? Are you really get bored to wait 2h to receive a few points from your games? Here is a tip, you can try it with your games but it's not 100% guaranteed works!
You don't need jailbreak or something like that. To demonstrate this glitch works I will choose a game: CSR Racing by Natural Motion Remember: Not all games in the Store can be cheated like this!
- 3
CSR Racing!
- 5
- 6
As you can see, that racing game uses fuel (gas) to race and win experience,points,coins,level. Per day you have almost 10 tries and you need to wait some hours to have all fuel refilled;
In that picture as you can see I have 100% fuel
On a race, the game will grab -1 fuel until your fuel is empty and you have to pay some coins if you want to play more. Sometimes is really boring to wait so much!! UNTIL NOW!!
Here you can see my fuel is empty (0%) and I need to pay some coins or wait until next refill!
NOW! I will show you how you can glitch that game and have 100% fuel again; in 1 minute without waiting hours and also.. without jailbreak/root your device. Is 100% safe
Firstly sorry my phone is not in English language.. But I will explain! Go to Settings -> General -> Time & date
Here is 21.12.2013!! 00:03 am All you have to do is to change date with +1 day up!! :) If here is 21.12.2013 I will set to 22.12.2013 and.....
Tadaaa! All my fuel is 100% full. In addition you can try this method on your PC games with Windows
Remember!! Not all games can be glitched (example: HayDay, ClashOfClans) but if you have a favorite game you can try this method!! If you didn't know that method please like 👍 /share/ follow! Thanks
Thief Iphone Game Cheats Hack
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